It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Sunday, August 31, 2008 w00ts!! w0ke up at 8.58 ( can say ishh 9am ) cantt find my hp !! alamakk.. dhenn i f0und it on the fl0or under my bed LOL.. ? saw jb msqq ooo ?? he als0 sick -.-ll so many ppl sick n0wadays.. i also sick STUPID WEATHER( blaming the weather ).. alamak..actually ishh i sit on the swing EMO-ING? when it is raining cuz very bu shuang wibb someone yesterdayy .. then i haviing flu and fever.. . n0w better ler.. just n0w wake up then jiu lie d0wn on bed msq-ing. awhile later jiu go out on tv watch doreamon LOL.. dhenn jiu abit hungryy l0r. i go take my HONEY STARS lols. ATE A BIG BIG BOWL !! o.O" dhenn the milk all spilk onto the fl0or.. X( need to clean it. and i went to charge my ph0ne.. i saw one missed call lehh who lai der ? O.o" so dun dare to call back l0ls! iie think is j0shua o.O" cuz he msq me, "Hey janice erm i think i left my umbrella at ur grandma hse can u help me check thx joshua " Later need go check lia0s.. n0w watching the , " My best fren , My mum " family all still sleepiinqq ( OIINK! OIINK ! ) piqqiie ..Later need ask my father to bring back my c0m ler !! went tuhh fixed.. . nthh tuhh wriite liia0 lehhs.. s0wwies ferhhss wastiing ur time to read this stupid kindda of post ?? LOL.. s0wwies s0wwies w0rhhss.. tats all ler !! buaii buaii muackxx LOVE YOU <33> |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones t0day went tuhh KFC at 12.30pm dhen see shii miin ... My DIARY 高老师叫我拿我的作文导叫给她,要给校长检查? 校长会读吗??少一个也不用紧。。反正校长也不会读嘛,对... My SCHOOL DAYS.. I deleted my first blog. SO SAD !! - My second blo... Photobucket Album yay ! 我终于看完“命中注定我爱你”。 恭喜我吧?? 哈哈哈。 好吧。。我要走了!再见了!拜拜。。 Anybody gortt watchh 命中注定我愛你? very niice w0rhhss..... l0ls.. tdayy MATH PRELIM.. quite easyy . butt foun... that tiime my sis COW GIRL hat n0w ishh my br0 COW... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |