It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Thursday, September 18, 2008 today todayy iie was soo soo sooo happyyy xD. iie dunn0 whyy was abiit angryy + abiit of sadd sadd cus quarrel wibb junyiinqq.. IDIOT LORR.. she keep callinqq me and audrey names then say felicia and siaw hwee one too then i this m0rningg like wass so stress liiao then she keep calling me names then i jiu shout out " YOU VERY CHILIDSH LEHH " in chiese.. she jiu angry ? DUN TALK TO ME FOR SO LONG? who should be the one angry arhss? and she say she give in liao ishh iie angryy then the siaw hwee scare no fren then say " she will care derh mehh "ishh like wtf?? iie help u scold her jiu kana scolded by u ? idiot riight. but in the end manage to be fwenn fwen agaiin :D. iie finlly found the true true beest fwen which i can rely ( forget other word liao xP ) on not like that girl ( u kn0w wh0 u are ) i was so angry wtf.. dun care liao larhhs.. tday hor mr ray came to our class and say who got join the super idol those those thigy .. actually wanna joiin dhen thik for awhile dun wan liao cus arh.. PSLE cominqq if i join sure keep pratice and dace dance.. then jiuu .. fiie l0rhhss. dun wann joiin lerhhs xD. I MUST STUDY HARD and hahahahas.. felicia tan.. JOIN.. i wan make her result lan. she everytime come my house eat eat without asking derh l0rhh wth.. then so thick skinned i remember once whenn my ah ma got cook the mai piian xiia. mahh then she come my house then we jiu eat.. then ah ma call her eat. then she take alot and alot.. and my ah ma was cooking for the whole family one of us onli can eat 2-3 onli cus our family very big.. not enuf praw HAHAHA.. then ahrh she take about 6-7 lor.. then my family was like very bu shuanqq wibb her.. NOBODY like felicia tan at all l0rhhs in my family.. iin my class and her class also alot ppl dun like her.. all complain bout her.. !! wth dun talk bout her . her result suxx..then still at there act cleverr.. tmd.. act cute der.. talk everytime dun think first.. SOCIAL STUDY LESSON during ss lesson arhh.. M1 doing our own revisioo while M2 they doig ms fernadez hw.. theiir math wass like.. damnn easy.. and i took A_ _ _ _ derhh paper.. it was so asyy.. problem sum laii derhh.. then he onli got .. 27 then still FIRST in m2.. wth LOL.. hope nobody guessed hiis name ! cus .. dun wann sayy ppl like thiis very bad h0rhh hahahas.. today mr shahul give me one pen lehh sayy iie very HELPFUL hahahas.. then i was talking to JIA BEI AND ANSON and was like.. disturbing them ? no larhh.. just like joking joking onlii.. then mr shahul come LOL..then i say " THEY DISTURB ME LOR ! I WAN DO HW CANNOT CONCENTRATE" then mr shahul ask them turn backk. then i took A _ _ _ _ de paper thenn ansonn tell mr shahul LOL.. then i say .the paper drop onto the floor i picked up i dunno whose one then i looking at the name LOL..! hahas. tats all for ss less0n liia0s larhhss.... NIGHT CLASS?? Night class.. stress stress.. haiizz. iie went home today after sku chhange into just a t shirt cus very hot the weather.. then t0dayy.haii.. iie went popular buyy pen then i left my WHOLE FILE at the cashier and walk off.. then iie cant fiind iit !! my hww all in my file iie ler l0rhhss.. haii.. then iie went h0me lerr.. iie went h0me.. bathh..then my ah ma called.. she say she cook nasi lemakk ler.. she say she cook early because of me lehh.. then soo touchh LOL.. iie ate lerr then i say to my self FINALLY PROPER DINNER ! hahas ii was so lame.. today m0rnig gastric paiin w0rhhss.. thenn arhh iie jiu go to skuu l0rhhs faster rushh to popular . but cant find it.. then i very scare.. but in the end also cant find it then iwas wearing own cclote to sku then jiu go toilet change jiu do hw.. saww all0t b0iis playiin basketball ooo iie was so sad cus kana scolded by lao ba fine l0rhh was at there fa xiie ten suddenly feel like crying at there cry ler nobody saw i thiink juyiing and siiaw hwee saww LOL.. then wasss keep cryiingg cryiingg.. LOL.. so sadd . and stress.. !! JYJY JANIICE !! xD now lehh? NITE LER XD buaii buaii xD muackxx |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones iie amm siick agaiin.. thiis few dayy keep siick. ... FIRST PIC : Hahahas.. was eating steam boat today... 不要笑我哦!! Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |