It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Thursday, October 9, 2008 w0kee upp att 9.00 dhenn wentt bathh && stuff stuff ~~ thenn wentt to findd my clothee cus dunno wantt to go where mahhss.. then ask audrey lorrhh LOl then she also dunno nthen anyhow take larh LOLL thenn wentt tuhh havee myy simple breakfastt (( CEREAL && MILKK )) xDD - YUMM YUMMxx dhenn wentt downstairss waiit ferhhs audreyy tee xDD then walkk too tiiongg dunno wanna go where. then go iin mrt thiink wan to go where LOL.. in the end we went to wild wild wet !! xDDD superr FUNN !! sad nv take piic luhhs.. haiiz.. we fiirst went to the SIOKK RIVERR xDDD we go swim for one round LOL then both of us cannot get into the tube LOL then just leave the tube there and i go swim myself AUDREY behindd me walking LOLxx then i go swim away liao lorhh then went for the SKY RIDERR ! iie shoutt SOOOO LOUDD so scaryy then al0t ppl from down look at me. so embarrassng =PP then got one aunty take photo then audrey say " take wad take no manners wad kind of attitude ishh thiss " LOL. then i was like so embarrasss but join in the fun afterwardss also started to scold tat aunty cus she keep taking our piic.. ! dhen in the skyrider AUDREY was so hiong. she n0t scare at all lorhh !! ALAMAK then i was like shouting like hell.. then afterwardss went to the slide iie went to the yllow one . but dun dare lehh thenn audrey go fiirst SHE STUCK HALFWAY AT THE SLIDE !! LOL =XX . then my turn liiao.. iie was so scare but dn dare to shoutt cus so embarrassing LOL. then go down liao then was like keep talking bout the slide. then i went for the purple slide.. TOTAL DARKNESS !! WOO but was so fun.. so darkk LOL then we went for the family slidE xDD me and audrey family?? HAHAS but both of us sit onli luhh so funn !! xDD then take my pic untill so uglyy so dun wan to buyy HAHAS after tat was lie keep playing slide andd we went to the wild wild wet the thingyy then the water drop down tatone LOL.. so paiin =.=ll then wass keep playiingg.. aroundd HAHAHAS. then around 3 go bathh liao then mrt back tiongg xDD . went to buy movie ticket for painted skin xDD then gastric paiin D:!! thenn arhh go buy something to eat. audrey buy ice cream i buy just the food luh LOL .=.=ll then slack at the cinema LOLS SAWW WASHINGTON derh ppl faster run to toilet !! thenn after a while jiu go in to watch movie ler and the advertisment was damn long can ?? then the show wass SOO NIICE iie rate it 9.5/ 10 0.5 gone cus the front part not quite nice. bhind very sadd sadd.then i cryy untill very chamm LOLs.. i wont tell u about the detail go watch ursef larhh ! LOL.. !! i cry daoo .. wahh my face really tear-stained arhhs.. then in the end quite nice ending also hahas. then jiu walk home lorhh.. then my papa say i wear untill very short blahh blahh.. then i say i 12 years old wear ike this . i was like so stunned luhh i wear the shirt ya larhh admit was quite short derh but inside i still got wear shirt and the skirt i also got wear short inside he was like so idiot lorhh haiiz. suan nliiaos ignore hiim xD.. quite sickk todayy alsoo hahas.. its ok lorhh quite a fun dayy mahhs hahas.. !! ♥嘉x33 LOVE YOUU xDD |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones PLAN for TMRR xD PLAN 1 10.30-10.... yayy yayy !! it is end of PSLEE xD and it is PLAYY... hahass. todayy chinese !! iieLOVEit !! xD. the COM... todayy wass math examination~ was quite easy w0rhh... ytdd ishh english examinationss ytdd did n0t post ... todayy ishh children days ! woots!! last year ler ... wadd a boriing saaturdayy ~ nobody online.. today ... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |