It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Photos @ escape ~
Sunday, November 30, 2008 THe bois sleepiing arh LOL j0ke j0ke kekes.. Choo choo train. LOL. the bois. Other ppl derhh .. [[ wet n wild ]] Queueing.. me ugly lar... They queueing i take pic LOL THis is.. other ppl derh. AGAIN?! LOL.. me and audrey waiting for haunted house inte middle the yellow one.. -.-ll alvin cousin ALAMAK ! me -.-ll Alvin LOLxx ! i am innocent ! not i take derh ! Is audrey !! LOL . isiit me ? >< I am the red one infront ! can see me ? LOL . behind me is felica? Me and felicia ! i laugh untill sot luhh.. this slide is shorter der Again? Burger kind.. our fries and SUPER LARGE COKE ! gonna be a long post today.. so well , good luck? kekes.. todayy went to chalet and escape wibb friends but this time round nv stay over cus all bois not like the last time at east coast got stay cus got more girls mah . kekes.. fun dae @ escape luhh.. firstly we reach there @ around 12 . dhen we go play the family roller coaster . then after that rain abit then must stop then we go and eat our BRUNCH ( breakfast and lunch ) at burger king ( WILL HABB PIC ) dhen msg the bois . dhen after that they say wan go haunted house.. cus raining onli haunted house can play dhen we queue for so loong. then our turn ler. then we dun dare to go in.. dhen alfred and yongshen tio drag by a stranger go in HAHAHA lucky we run fast arh.. dhen after that rain stop ler we go and play the wet and wild . fun fun.. but abit scare first time play got shout like mad.. dhen i shout " MAMAMIA !! WO HAI BU XIANG SII ARHH !! JIU MING ARHH !! AHHHHHHH - AMEN - " LOL [[ i play wibb felicia the first round ]] then she shout " wo ye bu xiang si arh " dhen we arhhh go down the slide then got one low derh and high derhh the highh derhh.. quite sccary.. dhen i shoutt shoutt but go down ler realise nt so scary .. dhen we went to play pirate ship . kekes. fun lehh.. dhen we [[ me felicia alvin afred ]] shoutttttttttttttttt like mad. dhen the alvin shout [[ play play derh ]] so loudd dhenn i sit beside him mah. dhen arh. my ear gonna burst liao then i also shoutt very loud LOL he and felicia ear also wan burst liao onli see alfred quiet quiet butt got sweat-,.-ll dhen come down ler i jiao luan.. but alfred and alvin worst. they cant walk. then go up the stairs out then they hold the handle going fll down. dhen after that we walk toward to the roller coaster fun funn.. then we put hand up in the air then we shoutt so fun !! dhen after thatt we go play the flipper. [[ me felicia audrey alvin alfred ]] dhenn alvin alfred they not scare. audrey felicia scare then theyy cllosee eye wibb their hand cover their face then alvin they saw then they shout audrey scady cat LOl.. dhen me alvin and alfred put our hand up but got one part very scary .. but i TRY to put my hand up . dhen alvin shout from behind " SIAO ARH " dhen i put my hand down and hold that handle. dhen shout shout shout . we shout " I HATE HERR !!!!!! " dhen after that go play the bumble boat then i all wet lor .. !! all attack me derhh !! dhen 6 person play excluding audrey and gino . dhen after that rain again.. we rest awhile go play carnival thingy . dhenn go to the haunted house.. dhen i walk in halfway .. RUN OUTT IN TEARSS !! actually not even half.. at the going in that part.. omg got one statue the black black derh there.. scary dun dare run over. dhen i runnn outtt !! dhen outside ppl laughh.. dhen i shout like mad.. dhen after that.. rain stopped.. go play wet and wild.. i played 5 times.. -.-ll 2 time with felicia 3 times with audrey.. ! dhen afer that all scold me scady cat cus i run ut from hauntd house then i gu qi yong qi ! then i say " PLAY JIU PLAY LETS GO ! " dhen alvin nv go LOL he scare -.-ll and good thing is he admit he scare -.-ll . then the 3 girls and 2 bois go in.. ALAMAK.. felicia stand infront siahh.. pro pro.. dhen me after felicia then audrey then the bois.. then go in SHOUT LIKE MAD ! then got the person act as ghost run out and scare us.. scaryy lahhh ! i shout like mad then i say " wo zhi dao ni hen mei larhh !! bu yao catchh wo !! " then i runn runn runn.. then got alot of skeleton then got the ppl die.. then got the blood. omg omg.. scaryy.. dhen i shut shout shout !! dhen audrey say " si ler hai lai zhe li xia ren ! " dhen halfway got tears -.-ll . scary larhhh !! i was shouting like mad and hold felicia hand veryy tight larhh ! LOL !! dhen after that go to the CHOO CHOO TRAIINN !! FUN LARH ! so slow and nice LOL !! dhen aftet that.. we go play pirate ship again.. sad thing is that inverter and rainbow close larh. or i will play inverter and rainbow damn lot time. and revolution cannot be seen liao ! after pirate ship we buy some snack go sit the ferrys wheels (: ! nv take pic. cus very cramp .-.-ll me audrey and felicia sit leh 3 person-.-ll damn cramp.. dhen got repeat some ride larh. untill 5.45? i tinkk i dunno . dhen go back chalet. they got BBQ ! lol but i dun wan or else smelly leh then we go swimming pool.. wapiiang ehh.. alvin swim take off his shirt. then we walk up the stairs we dunno mah then coincidently he stand up -.-ll lucky i close eyes larh ! LOL ! dhen after that we play the pray pray thingyy . the party derh.. dhen we go off @ 7pm. dhen we go cheers buy thinggyy ... dhenn arhh.. we decided to take cab home.. the worst thing is they call me treat -.-ll . but we going tiong shop shop larh LOL . so from pasir ris - tiong is 19 + -.-ll.. pok luhh.. lucky audrey help me pay abit. keke.. felicia nehh ? haha j0ke j0ke larhh.. then we go take neo print.then we go buyy shoes.. cus my slipper.. spoil liao larh.. ripple derh $15.90 -.-ll i love RIPPLE ! . dhen walk walk awhile go home ler .. and now posting luhh !! kekes i go bath first -.-l later post pic ! BRB ! (: ! -- ESTIMATELY 30 MINS LATER................... ELLO !! I AM BACKK !! (: ! alriitess will post the piicturees noww (: ! ENJOY~ |
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