It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Sunday, December 28, 2008 er... er... alriites... ii dunno choose tuu carry on trusttiin euu or tuu gibb upp , euuu knoww ? after heariing all "those things" . zz.. dunno whadd tuu do . if ii contiinuee trusttiing euu .. ii will realli dui buu qiii her.. zz... {{ CONFUSE-DD IIN LOVE }} 无话可说 因为爱,值得吗? 爱到底是什么? 是一种伤人武器。。 so .. whadd shouldd ii do ? 人人都说爱是甜蜜的。。 爱是快乐的。。 爱是要两颗心。。 but ii dun get thiis from euu .. 该爱他还是放弃? ii am confusedd. -Th truth .. is always th truth . it wont change . -Th love for u .. is always there.. it wont change too . -If ii love eu , ii should tell u the truth .. -Tuu change euu .. iintuu a better person . -Tuu sacrifice , ishh whadd ii can do . -Cus ishh th onlyy wayy tuu make euu change. -Or perharps ? euu wont ever change . -I dunno wad tuu do , or how tuu do -To make u change , and love me whole-heart-ly -I know its impossible , so ii choose tuu sacrifice. -Hope uu know whad ii am doiing .. Hope euu understandd -Hate me , forget me , its th best for u . -Or maybe ... u had nv love me . -I dunnoe .. tuu continue trusting u .. or just to forget it .. -If u saw this and know its u .. please.. tell me an answer.. -Tell me all th truth , ii wont be angry .. ii would be hurt.. -But its alriite.. as .. euu hadd olreadii hurt me lots of tiimes.. -Since th day .. ii knw uu .. -Please.. okayys ? tell me th truth .. ii just wann tuu know th truth.. -Th truth iin u .. just tell me . ii wont be angry nor mad . -I woould be more hurt , if uu keep it from me .. -Perhaps , euu dun even care.. -So whyy am ii posting here? -Treat iit as ii am fa xie-ing -And.. if uu see this and know who uu are.. -Tell me an answer.. tell me th truth ... tell me .. |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones heyyoo ~~! todayy woke upp aroundd 8 + thenn msgg-... heyy yo !! supermann ishh here tuu postt =DD.TODAY... Who wan tuu go and watch BEDTIME STORIES / IP MAN ... The first one up there is put myfile and got the h... HEYY YOO ! . yupp ! ii've chanqqee thh taggboardd'... wakakaka.. later goiing playgroundd wibb audrey te... I LOVE EUU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... ii really dunnoe whadd tuu do ishh th best . sry s... if ii habb nv exiist iin thiis worldd.. everythiin... heyy alll ~~ ii cut myy haiir T.T . quiite happi a... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |