It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Friday, December 19, 2008 HEYY YO ! Today was quite a suay day and a hmm..happi day ( am ii sot ? >_< " ) lets talk bout the suay suay day firstt . Today woke up @ around 7 ? then saw felicia.T dar dar derhh msgg . she got iintuu BMSS.. she was quite sad soo ii tryy tuu comfortt her. then msg awhile tell her tc . then ii saw SHIHUI derh msg call me tuu join choir in her skuu! LOL . promoting uh. ? ( wait wait.. suay part haven come ) then ii lazy lazy sleep dao 7.30 then woke up wanna go bath . cant find my uniform ! then find find find have liao then go bathh then iin the mirror ii saw my eyes got one red colour little small pin ball -_-"and eyes swollen tot wont be pain go touch AHHHHHHH !! so pain -_-" then after bathing go tie hair , rubber band BREAK !! -_-" then findso long found one more .. then ii go wake my papa up ( tuu drive me tuu my sku ) he say . 5 mins ! then ii say ok then awhile later ii call him he sayy 10 mins then ii say faster larhh then 10 mins later i ask him he say 5 mins !! WHADD THE HEAVEN then 5 mins laterr iishh alredyy 8.20 like that liao ii faster ask him wake up he call me take cab go then ii go downstairs wibb jiieh jiieh then arhh..wanna flag a cab then ii flag liao other ppl went iin .then ii very anxious like . then no cab then fter that gt liao. alamak !! OLD AH PEKK ! dunno whre is NOVENA RISE !! grr grrr ! then ii say orchard there..the velocity there then he sa THOMSOM ROAD ARHH ? then ii say " YAYA ! KUAI DIIAN ! " then he keep alking.. grr grr grrr.. then after that go tuu theskuu liiao.. come downn jingyu call me join chinese orchestra !! -__- " ii dun lykk >_< " then go upp hall. register guess my number ?? YUPP !! 139 ! grr and it is onli 53 and many more tuu go then go down buy unifom blahh blah thn go tuu buy books. so HEAVYYY !! then go up hall shihui come . guess wad she say agan ? " JOIN CHOIR JOIN CHOIR !! IT IS VERY RELAXING ~~ " LOl then again i say " II DUN WNN !! " lol !! then the book BANNNGG my leg !! grr grrr grrr !! thenn finally my turn . forget bring report book . forget bring cert forget bring ezi link !! GRRRR !! then ii know ii am iin 1E3 . ii dun lykk >_<" ii wan 1E2 >_<" ii tink 1E3 means 1 EXPRESS 3 isiit ? ii dunno and ii dun care >_<" thenn ii saw brian arhh or ii dunno who look like garfield derhh yellow house one.. from darwin . zzz.. then my class got on girl call LIU BEI YAO dunno isiit the bei yao not.. zzz.. then after everything wnna go home ler.. carry allthe books dao. NO CABB ! zzz.. found one then quickly carry the book go infront HE ALMOST KNOCK ME DOWN ! WHAD THE HEAVEN!! zzz.. go home kena scolded !! zzz.. stupid.. SUAYY SUAYY SUAYY !! now my eyes derh lolipop or pinball haven ok later got weding dinner.. zzz.. HAPPY DAY ! HPPY IS ! i like myschool.. but need tuu climb up hill.. zzz.... climbclimb climb.. and got euu knw ORIENTATION WEEK GOT CAMPING!! woots woots !! but scare scare . cus scare no friend. HAHAHAS.. ii love my skuu larhhs!! xDD.. |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones YAY ~~! ii so happyy !! ii finally get intuu ii ly... Some pictures of me ! x)) ! very weird and ugly de... posting @ 1 pm now Zzz..cant sleep . zzz.. crappin... HEYY SORRY TO BOYS .I AM UNAVAIABLE NOW !!II AMM F... Today went to eat kuishin bo for DINNER [; . nice ... ii sleep dao so pro.. LOL !! my blanket all drop o... yay ! todayy went escape onlii =DD damnn funn arhh... SOME STUPID , LAN ENGLISH -_-"PRESENT TENSE - PUT... wahh.. yesterdayy night NOSE BLEED when ii sleep h... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |