It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Friday, December 12, 2008 跟你耍很。。 总是舍不得。。但我一定要那么做。。 才能吧你给忘掉。。你一次有一次的伤害我。。 你到底知不知道我真的被你伤到了。 。我在哭的时候你有看到吗??自从那天,你当我就想隐形人。。我也很伤心啊 !! 我只可以在你面前假装开心。。但是每次我开心时你就会说那些话。。或者。。你是不说话?? so i just lykk a object to euu ? a toys ?? or a transparent ppl ?? dhat eu cann scoldd anyhow when euu are moodyy?? a toys to euu to throw away afterr playiing wibb it ?? do euu know how muchh eu hurt me ?? euu dunno.. eu onli know dhatt ii habb hurt euu ? whadd bout euu ?? euu hurt me that lot dhats why i chose dhat path.. now.. eu dunn even bother to talk to me ?? everytime ii tink of the happi moments we have iin sku .. outside th sku.. my tears will just roll down.. do euu care??? if euu know dhat ii am talkiin to eu dhats good.. but wad will euu do ?? euu will do nthh riight?? so whatever ii sayy ishh useless.. ii chose dhat path.. ishh my fault.. i am sorry.. i cant blame euu for everything right?? ii was th one.. ishh my fault.. kayys ?? ishh my fault.. i am sorry really sorry.. i have to act happi infront of euu to show euu that i dun care euu i dun love euu cu i an to make myself to forget euu.. but i cant do it.. i just cant.. after all had happen.. fate brought us apart again.. budd ii still wann euu to know dhatt ii still l0ve euu .. at fiirst when i first saw euu ii hatedd euu s much.. budd ii just dunnoe whyy ii fell iin lov wibb euu.. i tot ii wont even shed a tears for euu .. but i did.. ii dun expect euu to gibb mii another chance for me to treasure euu. but.. just bare in mindd.. no matter wadd.. ii wontt hate euu .. |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones ESCAPE lalalalalala~~ ii am so boriing .. aww.. nthh to d... oohh.. ting shuoo todayy ishh alviin neo's biirthd... RULESS AND REGULATIIONS (:- AFTER DOING THIS QUIZ ... yo yo yo (: yupp me ! (:I TIO KIDNAPP ... ARHH..??... POST DELETED Just woke up from my little short short nap (: ! i... Me ! Me ! Me ! ;DJieh ! Jieh ! Jieh ! ;DAHAHAHAHA ... LOL..Last dayy dhenn dhee perf0rmannce. Dhenn some... todayy soo soo soo funn worhh.. (: ! went outt wib... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |