It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Saturday, January 10, 2009 JUST CAME BACK FROM CAMP ? miss me bo ? i know de lah , not need be so shy wor ~~ =XX . hahas. okok. CAMP WAS FUNNNN !!! =DD . hahas. first day go to school and we assemble SHYT FORGET BRING TIE but teacher let me off =D. Then after that we go hall and then got team building games and stuff , GAME WAS FUN !!! SUPER DUPER SUPER FUN !! LOL ! we play the blind folded der game then the person will throw flour on us , lucky i never playy !! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! -_-" . then after that went to the stand on mat then need to turn over the mat , zz.. my class tht maygane so stupid der , keep giving intructions but she never move . zz.. then went to another one , alamak that one so damn disgusting lah , we need to sit down then put our leg infront of u , then so disgusting , then we need to move siah , ZZ..lols ! then got the guess who is the opposite of us der , aiyahh all very fun. then after that take our things go lunch =D. i eat abit onli lols ! then so hungry , then i dunno got what leh , forget ler , OH YAHH ! Got the camp fire preparation . zz... i so suay -_-". act as pregnant woman actually ii need to say " darling ~~ , ii got something to tell u `~~~ i am i am .. pregnant ! " then the guy must say " HUH ? OH PREGNANT? i will bare the RESPONSIBILITY ! lets go for an abortion ! " then i must say " HUH ~ how can u do this to me . " then i must slap him lols ! then run away . then i dun dare lah !! lols ! then we ask the guy act as the pregnant woman i act as the man ! LOL ! then the zhan song act dao so disgusting lah !! LOL ! so niang !! then ssay the darling i got somethhing to tell u , i am i am pregnant ! SO FUNNY LAHH ! LOL ! then after that learn cheer the cheer goes like this F-F-I-I-G-H-T ! S-S-C-C-O-R-E ! We gonna fight ! we gonna score ! we gonna win them all ! amik amik win the war we will win the war ( whisper ) we will win the war . we will win the war ONE MORE TIME U GO you will sweep the floor ( normal voice ) you will sweep the floor you will sweep the floor ONE LAST TIME U GO WE HAVE WON THE WAR ( sHOUTT !~~) WE HAVE WON THE WAR WE HAVE WON THE WAR Nehh li nehh li bu bu BLEHHHHHH ~~~ lol ! nice right? HAHAHA. then after tat i dunno got what lah , skip to next day LOL. slept at 11.+++ woke up at 6 lols. go prepare stuff go down for assembly . LOLS. then have morning exercise then go for breakfast ~~ woots ~ the bread mouldy derh LOL !! at the side . so never eat , just drink =D. after that go hall got games and stuff, then got talks . then after that rehearse for camp fire . LOL i keep laughing lah !! lols ! then we keep OIIIIIIIIIIII lols. cus the leader keep E3 OIIII ~~ then we also OIIIII ~~ LOL ! then got the whacko games LOL !! cham lahh me ! ii day dreaming never listen then kena whack zz.. my turn all sabo me !! ZZ !! :@ LOL! jokejoke ! =D. then camp fire liao jiu very fun LOL !! wtf i talking ? lols ! then got the song YMCA ~~ then got the SO WHAT? i think . and then we dance dance dance . then got the camp fire . liao we say the cheer the camp fire derh walau all so high sia !! LOL ! =D. then after that all the class perform liao then our class. zz.. when the zhan song say untill i am pregnant that part ALL LAUGH SIAH ! -_-" LOL !! just very fun camp jiu dui ler ! then got the pictures siah !! =D. Then got me ashley xian jun and zhan song talking that time. zzz !! actually not talk lor . lols ! they all 3 dunno what they say sia !! ashley like them right? i know LOL ! jokejoke ! =x . hahas. then got the graduation song and stuff, oh yahh ! forget talk bout CCA hands on lols ! we went to alot of cca booth there larh ! lol ! all stupid derh all say " come join us lah !! come lahh !! i sure u will be trained good ! come come " lols ! then all like this say lor !! stupid one right ?? then went alot of places lor ! all say the same thing but i decide to join either NPCC or CANOE or DANCE . i not sure yet . cus dance got the ivy friend not that i hate them larh , they see me abit bu shun yan , then if join dance , they see me no good i see them no good , will have more problm right ? then maybe i not joining ance liao =D. see i improve so much lah !! HAHAHA. okok . i go bath liao come back and update |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones Ahhhhh......... II HATE TUU BE IIN SKU . tmd tmd !... ZZZ.. This one is.. ugly ! LOL. ii go put lipstick... 1>How do u adress yourself?Janice2>Do u hav a girl... HAPPYY BELATED BIRTHDAYY =DD . muackkx !! IILYY SI... why are uu so sensitiive? whyy ? why must uu lost ... To BLACKASS ; heyyo ! ii know thatt uu habb a blac... hahs =D . today went tuu balestier hill sec !! woo... 205 post liiaos =DD . yepps . ii noe ii am slow.. ... Aww. aww. .. awww.. TML SKUU REOPEN liiao !! woooh... 1>Which school are u from?Balestier hill sec2>What... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |