It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 School arh , Boring as usual , bus damn cold ~~~First period , (: (: , HISTORY (: <33 Then we have ART , Teacher not here again ;o Got that doggy teacher come relief , Omg omg omg I sit where , teacher also say me ): Then art another period , mrs wongcame in ! ;o Bored us with DNT stuff again , Then RECESS , Was chiong-ing my DNT work (: I am such a guai kia , after that , finish abit ! (: Went for my recess ;o ;o ! Then , DNT -_-" . I stay outside class for 5-10 mins with xuan and wenn <33 Then teacher saw us ;o ;o then go in class lo ! LOL ! (: (: Then got SCIENCE , that teacher today is damn bad mood lah ! siao siao one , anyhow scold ! ): Then use permenant marker to draw on whiteboard somemore . Then MT , Got test ;o I didn't know that !so i din , study ! (: So i anyhow do lor ! Can pass jiu hao lah ! LOL ! Then got MATH , I LOVE IT <33 lol ! Though , i am still on my DNT WORK ! After school , went novena with XUAN AND WENN <3 Ate at FISH AND CO ! (: .We at there act high class ._. LOL ! Then went central ;o ;o Go popular , shopped for my pens , then really POK liao ): Then pei wenn <33 to seven eleven buy drinks (: Then we went in a pet shop , Was just looking around , untill i saw my another half <3 LOL *AHEM* , i meant , the HAMSTER ;O LOL ! , So i use the money , my dad gave me for the school fees to buy that cute cute cute chubby hamster , and now i left with 2 dollars for the school fee -_-" i am gonna be real dead ! Xiu wen was being so good to help me take the things ( ONLI HAMSTER ) to her house -_-" LOL ! Then we set up the stuff there and played with the hamster ;o ;o SO CUTE , and the hamster name is " KIKI " LOL !! , Was actually wanted to name it MICKEY or MINNIE , Since it is a boy i decided to name it MICKEY but the name too mei you sense of originality ler ! COPY PPL derh mickey LOL ! . Then i change to KIKI , after discussing with wenn <3 LOL Even though its abit girlish ! :o after that , home sweet home , (: (: LET THE PHOTO DO THE TALKINGS ! :O Xiu wen hamster ;o ;o ! (: SO FAT ! Mine ! KAWAII-NEH X=X= i bhb queen mah ! (: In comparison ! (: Mine I was using the stupid fork and spoon to protect my fish being stole by XIUWEN <3 href=""> SEA MONKEY FREEZE ! What a big big cup ;o ; o! |
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