It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Alright , today , i have been a total good girl (: I didn't shout at the teacher , i didn't talk in class. Isn't that being a so-good-girl ? Well , i have guessed that , nobody would believe me , I would tell you what have i done ,the whole day in school ! -- Morning , Alarm rang at 5 , was feeling so tired , head was painful , slept for another 15 more minutes , even though was just a short 15 minutes , but i am contented already , compared to some others that needed to work and could not even sleep for at least 3 hours , well , thats tortoring , isn't it ? Well , back to the topic ! (: I woke up , felt so blured ! walk here and there around the house ! Found out that i left only 15 more mins to bath and tie up my hair , well well , i rush to the bathroom , for ? well , of course , BATH ! >.> Bath quickly , tie up my hair , wear my socks , was wanting to "rebond" my hair at home , but well , there isn't much time left , so well , forget it , then buse-d to school , saw the key near the door , but was lazy to pick it up so well , rushed to the bus-stop Luckily , there is alot of people going up "167" which is the bus i am taking everyday . So i make it on time to the bus ! (: Its actually miracle that i have a place to sit on the bus today . So , of course i sat on it ! and got one uncle keep looking at me with those type of expression , scary ~ ! Then was around outram , Korea ass , ( ji hyo ) boarded the bus , Oh my god ! He ruined my happy mood ! Sms-ed with Aron on bus , He said that i said korea ass was handsome , well , disgusting ok ? Well , after 20 + stops , Alight-ed ! Walk walk walk walk walk up ! (: . Bought things at seven eleven again ! i bought that LOLIPOP ! when i reached school , everyone were laughing at my hair ): . And they said i cut bangs ! Mind you ! its not bangs ok ? its actually curl one , Is that some of you can't see it properly ! Not bangs ! Not bangs ! Not bangs ! Then , we have History for the first lesson , When i stepped into the class , i was totally shock and was in a utter disappointment that my table is gone ! They said that people vandalise it , i gonna kill the person who did it ! i will never le him/she go ! I copied down notes in history lesson , then was art next , At first , was enthusiatic about it , But awhile later .. i lost the interest in it , and i just scribble around, took pictures with wenn ! Found some pictures -_-" which i think that it is totally rubbish ! And xiuwen go let xuanna and wenxiang see ): Now , they are going to let their IMAGINATION run wild ): Forget it ~ Then we have recess , Oh yeah hell' , Ate wanton noodles and a bottle of drink which cost me around , hmm . 2 + ? Then went back to class, have DNT lesson , i didn't doze off in class , i listened attentively and copied down all those notes that Mr Wong asked us to copy, well , isn't that a so-good-girl behaviour ? Well , to me , is YES ! (: After DNT we have science , Teacher scolded me ): . She said that i didn't hand up the file , which i am intending to hand up today , and that file was just RIGHT INFRONT of her ! and she can't see it ! And she scolded me for that , i am sad ): . Then , we have Chinese Two period , we did composition , i write about , 我学会了游泳 Its kinda lame , but , its the topic ._. The topic actually was ,我学会了.... The easiest thing is , SWIMMING . so well , i wrote about swimming , but out of no reason i don't know why i would write till , 面壁思过and淹死and alot more craps , like , 恩典.. Obviously , i am crapping kays ? Then we have Math , I failed my last math test ): It brought me to a utter disappointment , i felt so sad , It was my first time failing a math test , and i have to go ERP this week ! But i skipped it ! The only bad thing i did today . Then i went to tpy central , was reading my that Chinese composition in the library and Xiuwen is doing her own math paper , then she went home after finishing it , Pangseh me ): . Heh ! Luckily , Aron came , keep me company , i not need to be that bored ! lols ! Imagine, you alone in the library , reading a book , isn't that lonely and sad ? To me , yes it is ! (: But , the worst thing is that , HE STOLE MY BOOK ! ): My TSGS ! How can he do that ! LOL that's so uncivillised ! ): . U barbarians ! Yes you , Thats you ! I MEAN U ! A.R.O.N.T.A.N. ! Understood ? LOL ! OkOk, finefine, LOL. and he don't allow me to sleep -_-" Firstly , he stole my book Secondly , i have nothing to do , Thirdly , he don't allow me to sleep. Forget it , shall not elaborate , or else , xiuwen , don't know what will she anyhow say , FORGET IT ! lol ! Then , he wen't off, lols, i was all alone , suddenly , my nose bleed ): Xiuwen sms me and she is coming down to find me Recieved a message from ain and was totally shocked ! lols ! then went to popular , bought things for Someone birthday , LOL . Then , went to KOUFU , and i bought dinner , and i went home to eat , Well , on way home , found a lesbian . Disgusting freak , China bu , Eek ! And its directly in front of me , - OBSCENE - ! Then , i forgot to bring my key , and sister is out with her boyfriend , Then , I open the door by the window , am i clever ? yes i know i am ! (: . And i know i am thickskinned ,but that's me ! Then clean up ad stuff , online , doing the birthday things for my friend birthday, whole hand pain ): . It worth the pain ! (: (: ! Then i don't want to eat my medicine ! LOL But , my head is aching the whole day in school Did not dare to tell anyone , i scare that your might force me to my medicine. so i just said that i have ate it , which i hate it ! and it does not even cure me by even abit , and i have ate it for so long , it does not help me out at all ! and my head is still aching ! Didn't tear today , but almost , but i controlled myself , Because of Aron said that BEST FRIEND thingy , ohmanszxc ! I controlled myself . Was feeling so tired now ! (: -- Am i being such a so-good-girl today ? Yes i am . Please , Comment ! (: LOL ! <3 所以,我学会了,打人,骂人,杀人 ,那个“人” 就是你 ! |
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