It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Saturday, March 28, 2009 Lalalaas , is feeling damn bored now ._. Currently at that zharbor's house at balestiert Just behind Balestier Hill Secondary School , 10 mins - 20 mins walk from the backgate . Haiz . So bored . Went for a swim just now with Jacinda and Jacko ( Sister and Brother ) Not forgetting my father and of course including that zharbor . My maid also went there . Nothing much actually , i swam for around 2-3 laps only . Was feeling so tired . After that went to the Zharbor's house and i have my bath there and clean up everything , soon , my brother and sister wants to sleep . so i carried my sister to hoax her to bed . Awhile later my sister woke up . ( and she is now right beside me trying to touch the laptop , and obviously , i didn't let her to ) And my brother is still sleeping . Lalalalas . Nothing much actually , my maid just peeped at my laptop . " Don't read ! Don't read ! " I said to her . Then she smiled and said , " I see , i see . " Damn hilarious . Was feeling hungry now . My father is sleeping . That Zharbor is walking around the house . I feeling damn bored now . I wanted to go home , but i don't have the key , and of course , my father won't want to send me home . So , pathetic little me have to wait till night then i could go home . Another Saturday , another bored day . ): I do hate Saturdays and Sundays , as i have nothing to do and have no shows to watch . Bored days . I am damn hungry now , my handphone is in the car , haiz. Nobody to message now . So bored . Anyone just talk to me ? Please ? Beg your ? Thanks ? Labels: Bored day at that Zharbor's house . |
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