It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Thursday, March 19, 2009 Oh-so-boring ! Woke up today at 10.46am . LOL ! Slack in the bed untill 11 . Cook myself some laksa . ( Instant noodles ) While waiting for the laksa to be ready , i sat in front of my hamster and staring at him . He stared at me , and i stared at him . Then i ate my laksa , went back to bed . Bored . I slept abit . Woke up . Watch tv , Nothing much to watch , I went to read a book !( SERIOUSLY ! ) I am such a good girl , isn't it ? LOL ! Then my father came back . OMG ! lucky i am at home luhs ! (: Then i don't care him , he talk to me , i say " uh ya uh ya " He say want send my sister off on sunday , blah ~ 6AM LEHH !! i Then blah blah , go ah ma house . Ate , now home-d . Watching one ghost movie with sister and her stead . Blah , so stupid show , th ghost or dunno what is fat fat derh somemore th sound like doraemon . No ghost come out . Th zharbor still wear dao so low cut , zzz .. Still touch her neh ! ALAMAK !! X________X ! Nothing much to say leh ! Now crapping with LIHONG; Stupid show , GHOST MOVIE still at there kiss kiss ! X____X STUPID show lah !!!!! lololololol !! LALALALA , Nothing to say ! |
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