It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Monday, April 27, 2009 CHILDISHH BUT FUN DAY -Hi friendszxc ! :D Life still goes on even though there is exam =X - OkOk. Woke up abit later than usual . Then bath and stuff , walked to mrt station . Then saw one guy , Ear piercing alotalot Got tongue piercing also , so scary lor ! Then i reached , waited for Xuanna and we walked to school together. Then got spot check and stuff . I clipped up my fringe , well , again . xD Then got English , teacher walked in i shout asshole. OMG . ): Cus Zhansong lahs !!! Keep saying those "dirty" things. Then got Science . I was like " zzz" all the way . And Miss tan say , " If you all dun wan to do homework ah ... blahblah " Then leroy at there " CoughCough" . Then i was like " ><> Then leroy ask miss tan whether she can see what i write then miss tan say can ! LOL ! Then got Chinese , OkOk lahs ! Teacher used my example ley ! :D Then recess , was quite unhappy today lahs ! Zzz.. Shall not elaborate . Ok. After that we have History . Ok , i pass my source based . I AM DAMN HAPPY ! Then got English x2 . Quite Ok-Ok . LOL ! Ok then got DNT . Helping Xiuwen all th way ! :D I so good :D Then got assembly , Was damn crap at that time . 1N1 got one guy keep copying what i do . Then he touch dao qiu zi . LOL Then we all laugh like mad lahs Then ah , after that , go do math test , damn crap also lahs ! WEI ! YULIANG , I ALSO WIL KNOW HOW TO DO HOMEWORK DERH OK ! Then ah, go to novena , go subway revise work , then Rei ,Joey and Hanis came Then go play with them , played true or dare , match make and HIDE AND SEEK . Hahaha. So fun lor ! HAHAHA . Ok Ok . We know we childish lahs . HHAA. Then they keep ask me those stupid question ~.~ . Ok Nvm ! :D Now home and finished DNT painting . Ok . Byeeeeeeeeee ~:D |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones WATCH CHANNEL 8 NOW !Got 红星大奖2009. Support 周初明 !!加... Life without blogging is terrible , Life without h... YOOO ! :DIn class now . ;o ;o ;oCom lab , cool boh... Yellowww ~Hi.Nothing to say .Too tired.Ok. Just to... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ~ YU EN .Hi ! :DDWas damn tired by ... ---[XIAN HUI]HaTeS Xian Jun---" says:ha simi beat ... Hamster ! :DCAPTURED ! YEAH !Look at those things... Exams is like few more days/weeks later.Omg ! * Sh... Hi !Stomach crampp ~~~~ ):Disgusting feeling. Eeek... Hi ? Hm. yeah , HI ! :D- Woke up earlier today cus... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |