It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Monday, April 6, 2009 Hey ! Woke up late , again . -_-" Ok fine , then saw my dad come in when i go out . x_x Ok , then my father asked me to cab to school , then i say no money then he gave me money ^^ But he lost 41k in the soccer thingy . Wadever luhs ~ i get my money can liao . Then cab to school , hey , come out cab awhile , saw Xiuwen and Xuanna . Walked up school , i didn't tie my hair , look so funny ! Then was crapping all the way up the school . Then after that assembly , forgot to bring tie Borrowed from Senhe . Then after that got English , teacher didn't come, Lkk came , okay then got science , Her mother songka she come vent her agony at us . Idiot . Then got Chinese . i paid attention as i am a good girl . (: After that recess , ate and went back to class. Then got History , i listened attentively man ! :D Then got English , Prepare to listen to all my rantings ! -- LKK came in , then come talk talk talk , then i go kill the ants ,[ 16 ANTS LEH ! ] M highest achievement , thats great , isn't it ? * Laughhh ! * Then suddenly alot ants pop out , like songka like that . Then i damn scare , then i shout and run away , Xiuwen see me shout she also shout then we both run away Teacher say we purposly make noise worhszcx ): How can like that say me , then i of course bu shuang then i say " GOT ANTS WHAT !! OF COURSE RUN ! THEN WHAT?" Then she keep say we all purposly derh ! Then leroy and zhengyu and ashley go and see then i kaypo abit go back and see , then got one green green thing fly near my table ! Then i scare , i screamed and run away with xiuwen , and i qi ji pi ge da . Then Leroy and Zhengyu helped to "kill" that thing , Xuanna know about the green thing also run . LOL ! Then all of us screamed , teacher keep say we purposly , then i go changed place to beside Xuanna , teacher call me go back , i don't want , then teacher say want to record my name , then say until my name, the whole class say , " janice absent~ " LOL ! Then she say " Ok ah , absent ah then i write down absent go check " Then i dun care , then she say " JANICE COME BACK TO UR SIT " Then i dun wan , then i say i want go toilet she dun allow worhszxc ): Then Zhansong shout out , " TEACHER SHE GOT MENSES WANT GO CHANGE PAD LAH" Then Xuanna shout , " SHE GOT ILLNESS MUST GO TOILET " Then i shout " I WANT PANGSAI CAN NOT? " Then she say nonono , then record dao say i scream want to give principal worh ): I scare scare ley ~ Then i on the spot call my father , my father say give teacher listen phone , LKK bo ji answer go karp my father's phone , my father damn dulan , then i call back then my father shout " JUST GO , SHE WANT BRING U GO PRINCIPAL OFFICE JUST GO , WALK OUT OF THE CLASS DUN CARE HER , TELL HER , UR FATHER GIVE U PERMISSION TO GO AND DOCTOR MC " Then i shiok liao lor ! But no ppl pei wo ): Then no go , then teacher say i can do anything i want there , then i dance behind the classroom (: . Then she damn angry , then everybody scolding her like that , Xuanna throw the thing on her , damn funny . Then i keep deesiao the class , then suddenly leroy shout out , " U BO JI AH " Teacher turn back , damn funny . Then Zhansong shout , " VAGINNNNNNNNAAAAAAA ~" Then Xuanna shout , " SAGGY BOOBS ~ " Then i go throw things on the whiteboard that is her , BIG HEAD SMALL BODY Then the teacher damn dulan keep record what i do , then i more deesiao . (: Then end liao she still no go out then i say " EH , GET LOST MY CLASSLAH " Then she say " WHAT U SAY ? CAN BE MORE RESPECT ?" Then i say "no". Then i say " SAYONARAAAA ~" DAMN DULAN MANSZXCCC ! :D But fun , hope got suspension ^^ ! Then got DNT , I dunno why , i very pekchek , i cried , Leroy i think he shocked . LOL ! Then end ler , go to science room for the experiment thingy, then go and play in the rain , then bring chuxi to her cca go seven eleven eat , then go novena , slack-ed abit , then go home , bought something . blah , nothing much . Cabb-ed home , the cab got shitty smell , disgusting . Then nothing much now posting and doing homework (: . |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones Janice shall go to bed now as there is school tomo... Hi , My sister is a bitch . [ ELDER ]WILD WILD WET... COUSIN COMING MY HOUSE TO SLEEP OVER ,WHAT A NUISA... Janice is so guai to go 扫墓 today . (:yeah yeah yea... When we go escape that time . LOL. thats me and do... KNOW SOMETHING ?MISS TAN'S MAMA PASS AWAY .HAIZ.. ... DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL TODAY //[[ all of you might sa... hey , i am going to fetch my sister now ,but i go ... Today was just-so-,okayFUN day !-As usual , Janice... I CHANGING SCHOOL . 100 % - - - - -- - - - - - - -... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |