It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Oh-So-Fun - Hihihi ! Yeahyeah , today i had my Literature Paper . The first two section was kinda ok . But towards the last part , It was really difficult . I am so sleepy throughout the exam . I feel as though i am dying . Exergarating ? So i just rushed through my Literature Paper and went off to my Lalaland . Slept for about 1 hour + . Felt so great . LOL Then dismissed , Waited for aiai outside her class . And went off . Went to Tiong to buy macdonalds for Sister and myself too . On the way home from tiong , i saw my younger sister and younger brother [ RL ] So cute right? LOL Yashi kumarnita . Must say yes ar . And Jacinda is cuter ^^ LOL. biased ! OkOk . Back to topic . Then ate my Mcdonald , and went on Facebook . Played restaurant city for awhile and tie my hair , went off to find Audrey and Terri at Outram Secondary . LOL. So many people . And yaya, i saw a dog man . You know , the K _____ . Ya , Then at the bus stop i just shouted , " Oh man , i saw a piece of shit man , eeww ~ " Audrey was laughing and say " yaya lor !" Then board the bus , then i was infront of him and i keep on saying about him . HAHAHA . Ok Ok .Couldn't find the PT . Saw Yanting instead , i mean from outram derh ar . Then went to tiong , went to KFC ate , then went to pierce with Audrey Shop around . Get those photos . Then walked home . Ate my dinner and brought my sister and brother home , played with them and send them back to ahma's house . And breathright is really useful ! Advertise awhile . And , Twitionary is really useful ! :DD . Last time Liianns-ers love to type lykkshcxc dhhishh w0rhhszcs , Now , Liianns-ers type like this . And trying to speak proper english . - I shall say no more , because she was she , and i was i . Thats idiot right the sentence , OkOk. Oh yah , Yingzhi bully me sia . He threaten me ): OkOk , Rewind to the past ~ iiee shaulldzx shayys bhuuayysbhuuayys ehere leryyhs w0rhhszysx . Okayyhss ? Bhuuabyys bhhuuabyes , miiexxs whannas sleeps uhhsczs , Any Enquiries , feel free to go the :D . LOL |
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