It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 today was a quite good/not good day LOlx. we were watching charlotte's web this morning in the hall and we sat in the hall from MY BACKSIDE GONNA LAN DIAO LIAO LARH !! >:)) thenn arhh the show was qite nice lahh.. quite sadd also luhh.. iie cried abit ( not as much compared to watching painted skin ) hope nobody saw hahas !! then arhhss we got break time got FREE POPCORNSS ~~ wooo~~~ wooo~~ but no TASTE =.=ll got "kacham puteh" [[not sure of the spelling ]] 50cents each ~~ nt nice also hahahas. iie sot derh larhh ignore me ^_^ . then after break we got " who wants to be a millionaire " so stupid loh got the boi banging banging and make the sound effect LOL iie was laughing at them >_< then after tat everyclass went back to their classroom except for MOZART 1 . cus mrs singh was incharge of the educational trips so need to do some breifing. hahas. mrs singh call us follow mozart two then we dunn wann xDD but at 1pm we went to mozart 2 to sit there.. was buayy song wibb mozart 2 girls can say tat i diu them got pian jian luhh.. cus they always kan wo men bu shun yan .. shuang ler larh !! then got sweetssss by MISS ONGG !! arigatou ~~ yummy ! tats my lunch luhh ~ hahas. then we ( me , felicia , siaw hwee , jiawen ) went to hall to practice for the dance hahas. then ggot some bois to watch us. so embarrassiing luhhss >_ NIITExxx and SWEET DREAMxx iie gonna go and sleep .. AGAIIN !! ~~~ iie am pig iie know larhhss (^oo^) ii am wilbur HAHAHS!! niitexXX - MUACKXX !! WAIIT WAIIT ~~ KOR !! - jinhuii KORKOR !! ( GRATSS TAT U PASS UR EXAMINATION ~~ ) JIAYOUS WORHHHSS xDD JIIE !! ~~ JINGYU JIEJIE !! ( Jingyu jiejie dun sad becuz of ur marks !! NEVER GIVE Up k ?? JIAYOU ALL THE WAYY !! xDD - ( Dun get angry wibb those ppl or ur marks k ?? !! CHEER UP SIOKKxx ! :DD ! ) DASAO !! ~~ SHINJIE DASAO !! ( Not sure about ur marks lehh !! hahas anyway GOD BLESS YOU wibb good markss~~ JIAYOU JIAYOU alsoo ^_^ Last long wibb JINHUII kOrkOr worhhss xDD FELICIA !! ~~ FELICIA TANN ~~ ( Please write clearly wad happen between us in ur blog u nv write wad u tell me.. some u cancel it off.. i dun wan ppl to misunderstood me , k ? ) MOZART GIRLS !! MOZART ! !! ~~ ( JIAYOUSS on our DANCE ~~ we can do it !! JIAYOU !! END OF YEAR LIAO !! FREN FOREVER , k ?? :DD ) |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones ^^ 和好了!!i he hao with FELIICIA TANN lerhhs xDD ^-^... iie wouldd havee properbly saiid tatt too makkee u... TOday wahh!! my gann jiieh ( jiingyu ) saiid she a... iie wokee upp att 10.00 wokenn upp byy my fatherr ... w0kee upp att 9.00 dhenn wentt bathh && stuff stuf... PLAN for TMRR xD PLAN 1 10.30-10.... yayy yayy !! it is end of PSLEE xD and it is PLAYY... hahass. todayy chinese !! iieLOVEit !! xD. the COM... todayy wass math examination~ was quite easy w0rhh... ytdd ishh english examinationss ytdd did n0t post ... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |