It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Friday, December 5, 2008 Hehes.. today went to west c0ast / safra wibb frenss .. w0nt sayy wh0. LOL lazyy larhh .. LOL ! me audrey and felicia g0 v.early liao.. dhenn arhh we go 7 11 buy drinks.. the audrey go buy the sweet 1.65 -.-ll then me and felicia go ntuc buy .. 4 of that sweet for $1.90 LOL !! then we keep nagging @ audrey.. then audrey say we bi ta derh ah ma hai naggy HAHA !! dhenn after that we went to west c0ast play at the playground.. i found out that i saw the PLAYROUND i really bec0me v.high -.-ll LOL dhen i childish luhh go play th slide.. LOL !! i climb that thingy almost fall down.. then injure dao hand T.T ! dhenn arhh i playy dhatt turn turn turn thingy .. all gang up and turn that thig i come down i cant walk properly -.-ll .. dhen after that bus-ed 176 down to safra .. actually wan go bowling then alot ppl then actually wan go swim.. then ys dun wann luhh. dhen we go arcade play.. i keep playing the para para -.-ll and basketball hen i use $20 T.T 40 t0kens T.T then playy until damn long then got one gang of bois come .. dhey play para para damn pro .. but they not that ahbeng also larh LOL.. but they quite funny LOL.. then got one boi say " that boi wan eur number .. wads eur number ? " then i say " 999 . OOPS ! wrong should be 995 =D " dhenn he say reall larhh.. then i say reall mahh 999 try to call then they keep laughing.. then another boi ask me .. then i say " i say lao 999 ler ! " then they OK OK.. jiuu bo lai fan wo liiao =DD. then while felicia.C playing para para. i went to buy drinks for themm . i pokk liao T.T ! dhenn my turn to playy ler !! yayyyy my skill improve-d =PP kekes.. WADD A FUN FUNN DAYY =DD !! then after that we actually wan bus-ed home then in the end i say i wan cab home then they call me treat again ! then i ok lor.. then jiu cab home but audrey got help me pay 50 CENTS =.=ll . LOL ! then goo home ller ! sleep for awhile wake up watchh showw ! =DD . dhenn ah ma call maid bring food to our house kekes.. dhenn eat eatt !! the chilli damn spicy ! but i loveee it ! =D lol. dhen finish eating. sleep again.. then wake up watch show.. then now wath shw -.-ll stupid larh.. quite boring alsoo.. thats all happy viewing th0se pics ! BYEBYE =DD LOL .. pressing that thigy i pressing that machine thingy |
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