It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 Name a friend from A-Z A- audrey B- Benedict C-Chloe D- Darryl E- Evelyn F- Felicia Tan G- Goh mei li H- {{}} I- Irene J- Junying K- Kathy L- Li hong M- Ming shan N - Nadrah O - {{}} P - Patricia Q - {{}} R - Ryn S - Siaw hwee T - Tze hua U - {{}} V - Valerie W-{{}} X- Xiao xi Y- {{}} Z- Zhitao 1>Can R and S be together? ANSWER> Hahas.. Of course..NO. 2>How is L related to you ANSWER>Oh ! shes my SENIOR =D 3>If C betray you , will you kill him / her ? ANSWER >Chloe ! Oh man of course wont ! shes so cute =D 4>If K steal your boyfriend ,what will you do ? ANSWER > KILL HER ! lol . just joking =XX . She wont =D 5>What if B tell you , he / she have a crush on you ANSWER> Ohs.. it wont ever happens =D 6>What will you do if M get into a fight? ANSWER>HUH? ii dunno lehhs. 7>Who does R have a crush on ? ANSWER> Ask her lo.. =XX . 8>If G call you a bitch , what will you do ? ANSWER> Zzz.. It wont happen man .trust me =D 9>What the relationship between you and J ANSWER> My dear meihh meihh x333 10>Who is I best frien? ANSWER>Hmm.. not sure? 11>Who does Z like? ANSWER> LOls.. alot ppl know liaoos . uu askk others or else ii kena bashh by him 12>What colour does F like? ANSWER>Blue 13>Where does G live ANSWER>Near cantoment? 14>Did you and C have a fight before? ANSWER> Habb ! when she hit my tummy LOL. ii just tickled her =XX. and we habb pillow FIGHT hhahahas.. when iin camp =X 15>Who is L best friend? ANSWER>Maybe jingyu jieh jieh ? =D 16>What can you say about A? ANSWER>OMG ! she is CUTE ! LOL! ZILIAN ! PRETTEH =DD . MY BESTIIES ! TAQQEDD 10 PERSONN TUU DO THIIS : SAME PERSON AS BEFORE =XX |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones 1 > How do you address yourself ?JANIICE ;) 2 > W... Zzzz............................. SUCH A BORIING D... gonna buy new year clothe next week !! wibb audrey... 真心爱一个人,不是说忘记就能忘记。。死心只是一个骗自己的借口,从前那颗心一直都还在。。它还是挂念着一... P/S; She cried the whole night , just because of h... This silly girl waited for you whole night , hopin... no title WHY MUST ALL THIS HAPPEN . AND SUDDENLY SOMEONE TA... thankks tuu khongngim gan di wo cheeriing me upp .... er... er... alriites... ii dunno choose tuu carry ... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |