It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Sunday, February 1, 2009 DA JIA HAO ! okayyyyyysczx ! Yesterday , Audrey and i went to Escape theme park ;]. Actually there are even more people to go along with us , but then they have their CCA . Thats why . ;] I went back to Zhangde to help out for the Girls brigade . ahh ! I didn't wear my GB Tshirt . ;[ I got reprimanded ;[ . Squad 2 have alot of new members ;] . They are so adorable ! I miss them alot <3> Carmen , Letitia and many many more . ;] . They are so adorable ;] . LOVE them lots ♥ After the new year celebration , audrey and i took mrt to Escape theme park ;] . Such fun ! ;] . But she don't dare to play alot of game , that's what made me fed up ! >;[ . The fun thing is the haunted house that make me scream and shout ! But after playing for so many rounds , the uncle know me . Then i would say " Uncle , is me lah ! " then he will say " ok ok" ;] . After playing some of the games , we went back home . we bought a deck of poker cards and went to the playground and play ;] . After that i went back home and " ZOOOOOOOOOM" to my Grandma's second sister house . Its a BUNGALOW ! The house is so spacious ! I love it ! >_<" Then we went gambling again >_<" Those 50 dollars note are so temptating ! I won $60 ! ;]] . And we went home . ;] Online for a little while and message with a little while and went to sleep ;] . That's all ! will post pictures soon ! ;] P/S; 为什麼我们都已经分手我还有心痛的感受你从来都不知道我对你有多好就连命都可以不要 你说你其实早就知道只是你不需要何必犯贱痛苦自找.谁比你贱恋爱只求新鲜,对谁都要欺骗我庆幸我高兴不用再被蹂躏我比你贱分了手还想念,但你比我可怜,我至少还拥有颗,你没有的真心. |
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