It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Thursday, January 29, 2009 TODAY IS FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ! Today was funnnn ! Even though i sick lo ! LOOOOOL woke up , feeling abit dizzy , o.O" and headache and THE FLU IS TERRIBLE LAH ! lol ! Then went to BATHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! Went to take the bus . actually want to take the EARLIEST bus , But then right , The bus didn't come O.o" I went down quite early leh , as early a 5.50 . Normally , the bus will come at 5.55 am . But ... It came Today at 6.05am . The bus is CROWDED ! o.O" So many old folks , and i BU HAO YI SI to sit , so i let them sit untill near the orchard there , then i went to sit ;]] Meet up with Aron down at the bridge down there near seven eleven , then i went seven eleven to buy PANADOL , Then came out saw wang wang xue bing him , Where's XIAN HUI ? <<33 my ex wife HAHA ! The wang wang xue bing and aron walk SO SLOW ! TORTISE ;O ! haaha ! Then i go up , i beat the LAI WANG -_-" < so qian bian ! HAHA . Then go back class for SCIENCE , my head is so dizzy ~~ Then fever come back i eat panadol they say i want to commit suicide ! LOL ! D; Then got PE . haaa ! Talking about CCA , then i say CANOEING better then soccer k ? LOL. then mr ho say " canoeing is very tough ... soccer i still provide free drinks and food " then say alot LOL. badmouthing .. ORHOH !! Then i didn't run in PE lesson cus i was sick mah !! Then recess time , i listen to IPOD , then wang wang xue bing come BOOOO me , never shocked cus i cant hear him , HAAHAA ! then he say i wu ji go sit there , then i ok lo . then i go there sit LOL. then i walk off liao LOL . Go back class , zzzz at the AMPHI THEATRE there keep play play play , that stupid stupidwag wang xue bing keep " ARON~ ARON ~ ! " -_-" . Diao right? then i say they gay . LOL gay is HAPPY ok ? ahaaahaa ! then have MATH . Negative and Positive . Quite confused but also quite EASY LOOL ! i dunno what i talking also lah ! HAHA 2 PERIOD ! FUN MAN ! ;DD ! talk to the teacher in chinese LOL ! Then got ENGLISH , so funny lah ! HAHA ! Did the thingy then the teacher ask what will u think of when u see the word "HOT" then we say " SPICY SEXY ~ " LOL ! Then got CHINESE LOL ! so funny , THAT STUPID ZHAN SONG SPRAY THAT DUNNO WHAT PERFUME ON ME ! OMG OMG OMG ! LOL Then got MUSIC , teacher didn't come, We play in class then the class became damn horny , can ? LOL . THen went for the SAPPHIRE cheer thing after school . SO FUN LAH ! LOL the dance damn sexy can ? LOL. I dare to dance at home but not at school -_-" LOL. I shy shy mah !! ;[[ LOL ! Ok thats all ! Now i damn sick . FEVER ! D; ! SADDED P/S - iig0nnaf0rgety0u and everythingg0nnabefine , |
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