It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 Today was better , but i did cry . ( XIAN JUN SAW I EMO EVERYDAY ;[[ ) Today first lesson , u guess , hahas its PE man ! ;D . Haha while walking to the field , went into the toilet faster change into my PE short. Then run to th field man ! ;D. Hahas !! Then need run run run ;D . By 7 mins , i did it around 5 mins ;D . Quite good ler ;D , To me la ! ;D. Hahas . ( SHOULD BE TH CANOE TEST ) Then have the pull up i did 15 times , not bad liao , to me ;D . Hahas . My cute cute son , Zhenyu ! 32 TIMES !omg ! so cute lah him ! ;D Haha ! And then got CME and HISTORY ! ;D . So fun , talked alot =XX. Found out a secret ! ;O . But cant say lah ! =D. Then recess ! FINALLY! i waited for so long lor ! then run to take height and weight , alamak i fat liao . i 160+ cm ( cannot say ) . and 40 + kg( cannot say ) =D Hahas. i taller than xianjun ! WOOTS ! Shorter than zhan song ;[ LOL ! The got ENG . Mr sugu din come , i give out the homework , then ask who can stay back to do lanten , i am SHOUTING SHOUTING SHOUTING nobody care ;[ . Then i angry then i say " wo bu gan le ! " then i throw the markers -_-" the teacher walk in , luckky never hit untill her ! Thn got the another relief teacher come in so funny lah ! the chinese MR LAO , KOK KOK HAHAHA . joke man ! he come in , i urgent wan go toilet he dunn allow ;[[ then i am pleasing . then he OK . lOL ! then i say " XIE XIE LAO SHI JIU HAO ! " LOOOL ! then the zhan song " eee~" LOL then the xiu wen say " lao shi . ni hao man orh ! "then i laugh then she say " lao shi , wo ai ni orh ~ " LOL . then i say " LAO SHI HAO SHUAI ARH ~ " LOL ! then i eat sweets all thse hahaha. then keep disturb him. hahas. then got MATH . zz.. Got test ! =D. got study derh orh !! ;D. Then got MUSIC ! OMG ! I LOVE IT ! :DD . lols ! then the hanis go fuck the chair -_-" . so funny then i tell jia wei and benjamin then i say " i fucking a chair wan see ?" LOL. then he say " walaoo eh fuck u larh"! then i say " come lor " LOL.then got PC. write about our target omg lahr . so stupid . they set for me my math need A1 -_-" How man ? Then chinese also , geog also . -__- " then literature also ! ahhh ~~ th worst science larh . C5 -_-" . zzz... The rest is b3 or a2 . siao one lols . then went for the MONITOR briefing , lucky got the ryo ? the headof monitor , let us go early ^^ . thanks ! cus me and juztin got canoe-ing , then ryo also from canoeing so he allow us to go early ;D . Why sec 4 got badge we dun have ? ;[[ . then went for canoe , i very lan ;[[ . zz.. thats all man ! BYEBYE ;DD ! - I CRIED AGAIN TODAY , I FORCE TO LAUGH . ITS SO FAKE ;[[ |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones TODAY WAS BETTER THAN YESTERDAY BY ABIT -_-" .Toda... CRY ;[[ Horny ........ Horny ........你把蓝脚放进我的洞里 关上耳朵我用心在听你... YESTERDAY WAS SO FUN ! :O !Ytd , i msg-ed alot pp... YO !! ;)) ! i am posting in sku now ! wakakakakaka... HAHAHA. today was so FUNNNN ! dunt ell u why fun !... th pink dress . This is th Dress . $ 34 like that ... BUT II SCARE JOIN CANOE ALOT PPL HATE ME SIAH ;(( MY CCA CHOICES :1) CANOE-ING2) NPCC3) DANCE4) GIR... There were these two cows, chatting over the fence... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |