It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Sunday, January 18, 2009 YESTERDAY WAS SO FUN ! :O ! Ytd , i msg-ed alot ppl , nobody reply me i so sad ;[[ . then onli shihui and felicia reply ! . then i jio felicia go out . lols. then we go kovan , go to my jiejie der "SHOP" there then bought a t shirt which is very nice LOLLL.then go kovan there derh mall walk walk shop shop , bought food blah blahh ,, then pierce . DAMN PAIN . but i love it ~~ . lols ! later going pierce again , my ear bone . Then shop shop around go back find jiejie , then i tell her we go first lah , then we go liao lo ! then me and felicia mrt-ed down to pasir ris , then go to th ALOHA LOYANG derh chalet there , alamak siah ! we walk so long then reach , the blk number is " BUNGALOW 15 " then we at another side which is TERRACE. zzzz.. then we need to walk walk walk lor !! LOL. then reach liao , eat eat eat . play play play . talk talk talk . me and felicia go to Arcade and baby playroom then played para para . i sibei lan . lols. cus long time never play i tui bu ler T.T . then go playroom play lah ! obviously right ? LOL. tmd got one boi around 12 / 11 derh come hit us with th balls. !! Then we of course scold them like shit larh . then one of th boi sibei buay song with us . then i say " buay song say larh . " then felicia go find another guy , that another guy run out liao .then forget it . then we go nearby pool . then go to th hot spring there . then felicia accidentally fall into th water -_-" then i of course LAUGHHHHHHHS larh ! LOL ! then she "angry" then pull me down th water. alamak of course i fall larh ! somemore we no shirt to change. alamak . we got shirt no pants . alamak ! then wet liao lor ! then got th slide. tmd i dun dare slide down siah . LOL. then after that got slide larh LOL. then after play awhile in pool then i go dry up th toilet i tell u . damn dark NOOOOOO LIGHT AT ALL !! then i took pictures of th toilet bowl . LOL. later show u , damn disgusting -_-" . Then i help felicia squeeze her pants derh water out . then after that we mrt-ed home . then we walk to mrt station cus to be dry . then we chat alot LOLL. we keep FUCK FUCK FUCK . then felicia say " lai larh " then i say " ni tuo wo tuo " LOLL. then after that we chat bout boys :O ! LOL then chat alot of disgusting things. BELOW READ THIS IF U ARE ABOVE 12 ! LOLS ! this is funny i tell u .cus arh.... hahahas.. we go pierce mah . then suddenly we talk bout "PUSSY " then i ask felicia whether ggot ppl pierce pussy -_-" .then she say got larh . then i ask how . then i think is she say pull th pants down sth sth LOL then i also say . then got one uncle behind . LOL.. !! . then we chat chat . then arh she accidentally go touch my upper bodyy << LOLL . ;[[ then i lost my wallet. then felicia lend me money << IS SHE CALL ME TO WRITE ONE . -_-" . then arhhs th wallet is at my aunt there .ALAMAK . then we chat alot in th mrt. we read ghost story LOLL. then we chat chat chat. then tanjong pagar she go first. then after that me . alamak . i walk out mrt all shop close liao . cus quite late ler . then so scary and creepy. LOL .then walk home lor . bath and stuff.. online.. chat chat.. then offline . then go sleep LOL. TALK BOUT FELICIA - SHE PIERCE 4 HOLES - I PIERCE ONLI 2 HOLES but total i got 4 holes =x - SHE THOUGHT OF TH WORD CHICKEN LICE . WHEN I SAID LICENCE. -SHE LEND ME MONEY , SHE VERY KIND . ALL OF TH ABOVE IS SHE CALL ME WRITE ONE !!! |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones YO !! ;)) ! i am posting in sku now ! wakakakakaka... HAHAHA. today was so FUNNNN ! dunt ell u why fun !... th pink dress . This is th Dress . $ 34 like that ... BUT II SCARE JOIN CANOE ALOT PPL HATE ME SIAH ;(( MY CCA CHOICES :1) CANOE-ING2) NPCC3) DANCE4) GIR... There were these two cows, chatting over the fence... pon school todayy X.X actually not pon lah . is i ... READERS IGNORE THIS POSTOMG . I ASKED U TO IGNORE ... AHHHHHH ~~~~~~~~~ u know sth ?? MY DEARIIE {{ AUDR... Today was so damn fun okay ? Dun believe me ahh ? ... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |