It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Sunday, January 11, 2009 Today was so damn fun okay ? Dun believe me ahh ? zz.. your problem lo ~ LOLL. just joking lah !! okok . TODAY i am very guai ~~ i go and help my ah ma to make those kueh for chinese new year !! woots ! then my cousin yesterday got help out but i didn't cus went jogging with deariie ~ [[ AUDREY ]] lols. actually din jog alot. actually our plan was to go jogging at sentosa one. but we changed the plan to - BUGIS , Tiong park << to jog . lols !then we go bugis shop shop play play . then go back tiong for KFC .then go tiong park . lols ! at there did alot of thing larh ! lols ! we go to do the fitness thing near GAN ENG SENG SEC . omg . it is so damn stupid their fence is so damn low larh ! i can climb over LOL. shorter than me and audrey LOL. stupd right ?lols ! then we sweat lots ! then we go to the play ground there and relax relax ~ then i vandalise =X . lols ! i wrote alot of things there lah ! hahas. u know the board there that wrote age 5~12 . then i change the 12 to 100 LOL !! =X. then i wrote at the red slide there . VANDALISE FINE ; $1000 lol ! then i wrote alot alot lah . LOL !! okok . wrote bout today LOL !! I help to make the PINEAPPLE TART ! woots ! my hands are so dirty >_<" but its so fun lah ! hahas ! then my cousin say " this box i make one leh " * pointing to the box * then i say " ee.. no wonder lah , just now i eat so smelly , sure is u pang sai then u wash ur backside then never wash hand right? i knew it lah .. eee " then she very sad and angry then i say jokejoke HAHA. took alot of pic will upload maybe later or tmr bahh ! =)) ! stay tune~ LOL ! hahahas. then i keep eating LOL ! then make alot of other type derh i dunno what thats call so forget it ! LOL ! then we watch the MISS INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY thingy one . then all wear BIKINI derh . lols ! then arh me my sisters and my baby brother cousins maid all in the room watching ten we keep " WAHH !!! this girl derh neh neh so big " -_-" LOL ! then my baby brother heard us say big then he point there say " BIG BIG " LOL ! then we keep laughing lah ! of course right ? hahas. then got one super duper small then my maid say " walao . this one have nothing one my one also bigger than hers " then i keep laughing at my maid lor ! LOL !! so funny lah in the end MISS SPAIN won ! SINGAPORE one SUX MAN ! omg ! wear tat stupid normal swim suit. cover everywhere . see sai? LOL . zz.. i very bad lor haiis.. LOL.okok. then i so tired i slept then u know what i dream of ? LOL. super duper embarrassing lah !! LOL. so dun wan to tell u lor ! HAHAHA. -_-" then woke up eat. then come home sleep LOL jokejoke come hme use com lah !! zzz ! HAHAHA TMR SKU ! OMG I LOVE IT MAN !! =)) |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones OKOK . BLOG ABOUT BROCOLLI . omg i tell u ! he say... JUST CAME BACK FROM CAMP ? miss me bo ? i know de ... Ahhhhh......... II HATE TUU BE IIN SKU . tmd tmd !... ZZZ.. This one is.. ugly ! LOL. ii go put lipstick... 1>How do u adress yourself?Janice2>Do u hav a girl... HAPPYY BELATED BIRTHDAYY =DD . muackkx !! IILYY SI... why are uu so sensitiive? whyy ? why must uu lost ... To BLACKASS ; heyyo ! ii know thatt uu habb a blac... hahs =D . today went tuu balestier hill sec !! woo... 205 post liiaos =DD . yepps . ii noe ii am slow.. ... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |