It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 th pink dress . This is th Dress . $ 34 like that . LOL. cus got shadow then that part dark dark LOL. wear liao quite nice der as in th dress nt me ! LOL This is th $15 plus derh LOL. quite short ._. This is th necklace that come with th pink dress upthere Th high heel . neh ~ LOL. Me . so ugly LOL . me . so ugly . Audrey in cab LOL. i in bus nth to do . take picture. Me. outside house. Today went far east and bugis with audrey to buy new year cloth . i bought 3 dress 1 shoe cost me $100 + . LOL. went to outram sec to wait for audrey then saw alot of familiar faces . zz.. so scary LOL !! . Then after that cab-ed dwn to far east and it cast us 6.40 LOL. then buy buy buy shop for so long. then i bought 1 dress that cost me $35.90 . lols . then shop shop around again . then nothing much . go buy sweet talk then bus-ed down to dhaugby gaut then mrt-ed down to bugis . then go bugis buy 2 skirt SO CHEAP siah . one $33/34 another one onli $15.90 ! LOL ! then shop shop bought a shoe i think i think is $27 bah . Then dun wan buy liao . lols. then mrt-ed home . bought some food . walk walk home . talk bout alot of things lols ! then home-d . lols. such a short post . zz. will pst pic now |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones BUT II SCARE JOIN CANOE ALOT PPL HATE ME SIAH ;(( MY CCA CHOICES :1) CANOE-ING2) NPCC3) DANCE4) GIR... There were these two cows, chatting over the fence... pon school todayy X.X actually not pon lah . is i ... READERS IGNORE THIS POSTOMG . I ASKED U TO IGNORE ... AHHHHHH ~~~~~~~~~ u know sth ?? MY DEARIIE {{ AUDR... Today was so damn fun okay ? Dun believe me ahh ? ... OKOK . BLOG ABOUT BROCOLLI . omg i tell u ! he say... JUST CAME BACK FROM CAMP ? miss me bo ? i know de ... Ahhhhh......... II HATE TUU BE IIN SKU . tmd tmd !... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |