It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Thursday, February 12, 2009 PADDDD ! TODAY is damn fun !! Morning actually dun wan to go school , but i went , i so guai -smile- then after that go class, blah blah lesson is a torture for me ;[[ then got PE. we run for 2 rounds around the field , then can play our own games :D. We went to the basketball court and we play basketball , boy vs girls :D. the basket is damn freaking high, higher than zhangde's one , and higher than the membina court that one , OMG LA ! But we managed to score luh ! :D. then blah blah music, damn high can? LOL. i shout like mad keep suan-ing maggots ;O lols ! then after that went down seven eleven , ate spaghetti , then we went to buy pad , LOL ! Then we are late for malay lesson So late then reach , we use pad as reasons we say we have menses go far far buy pad thats why late , LOL. then i bought ben and jerry ice cream eat in class . LOL damn funny , lols. then we open pad write my name on it , and keep throwing around damn funny ! then throw dao zhan song there he stupid lah , go throw into the middle teacher saw , ask juztin to pick up omg ! so embarrassing lah ! then teacher confiscated SCREWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW YOU ! then benjamin so good lah , help me pick up then they all pass it to me , i go keep it LOL Then i use red marker to throw on it ! so funny. after that got the activiy ! so funny can ? our group name is "WHISPER" lols then our motto is ; have a happy period but we scare so down there we wrote "PLAYING" lol ! then we stick the pad at our tummy there. LOL. so funny. then we walk around joey keep shouting . then we just keep playing with the pads larh ! LOL. then the kenji fell down ;O . LOL ! so many blood, was thinking of using pad to help him ! :o LOL. then will lik is menses like that . LOL . sibei fun luhs,. lols ! then we took photos with the pads LOL ! Hahaha ! then after break was so ttired liao , then xiuwe dunno at where took xian jun drink , then she pour into her water bottle , then ijust took the xian jun drink and drink . lol then he say " i spend 1.50 for this drink , i drink yi kou , you all finish liao " LOL ! After malay lesson , went to deco our class so funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ! and nice ! :D. Xuan na 's drawing damn nice worh i draw liao , then kena erased off ;[[ . i sad sad lols ! is so nice ;]] . will continue tmr again ! Ok ? AND 1E3 RAWK ! ;D . all so united Jason is funny k ? LOL. he damn ho chio lah ! i was wanting to kick him , then he also want to kick me lols. then after that he kick dao so funny cant balance LOL. then we keep laughing lahr ! lols after that bought cup noodles , cabb-ed home SMS-ED then clean up and stuff , use com ;D. OH YEAH , / WHISPER ; HAVE A HAPPY PERIOD :D - PICTURES WILL BE UPLOADED LATER :D |
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