It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 DA JIA HAO ! ;D yo ! babes and hunks ! ;D. Today was so fun worh ! went school damn early early! ;O Then went up put bag want go to the seven eleven to buy sweet =)) then i went down with joey , saw aron ;O. he want panadol mentruals. He say if i never bring to him today tmr i bring he gonna force whole box down my throat ;[[. Then i walk down buy sweets and chocolate , went back school ;DD ! saw jia yean ! ;DD <33> She is back with us ! as Balestierians ! She is in 4E1 ! clever girl ;D ! haha ! then monitors and service leaders is called to meet at the foyer , so we went there ! :D . St'john abulance brigade peoples are going to teach us how to BANDAGE on friday ! ;D. after briefing went to PE for first period , run one big round of the field , and then do the shotput. then the teacher took out pail of waters then we use cup to splash the water all around so fun ! ;D. haha . after that we have CME and HISTORY ! <33> haha ! Mrs tay told us that nobody fail for the history test in our class 1E3 ! ;D. and she said that everybody did WELL ! ;O. after that is RECESS ;D . buy a bread and drink to class and then eat there , the xian jun like pervert people lah , keep going around hug girls -_-". At first he hug joey , then i push xian jun head down then xian jun KISS dao joey worhzszxc. Cool boh ? then after that rei and me went out to the amphi theatre there listen to songs , wapiang then the xian jun come make me -_-" of course i kick him lah ! LOL ! . then now i clever le , if i stand behind Rei right he won't dare to come disturb us , hahaha ! then have English . went to the library ! so fun ! ;D. but siti don't want talk to me still..cus i quarreled with her ;[ ( ZZZ.. IDIOT IF I WAS P6 THAT TIME U DUNNO DIE DAO WHERE LIAO , HAI BU YAO GEN WO JIANG HUA , ZAO SI . ).after that we have Math , so boring la , i slept >_<" then teacher woke me up ;O. then actually got music then teacher did not come , omg , whole lesson like so funny lah ! LOL ! then the relief teacher call us sing song , then she sing , DOH RAY MEE out of tune , i keep laughing , then teacher call me to sing , LOL. then i at there soft soft LOL ! i lip move only la ! LOL. then the zhan song sing LOL ! so funny , he keep "eeyore" -_-" u know what he mean lo ! LOL ! then we keep laughing lah ! then i sing the " PEEL BANANA PEEL PEEL BANANA , " LOL ! if you know wat it means it is very funny ;O. then gt pc period, siti go complain to mr sugu ;[[ . LOL. (whocare?) HAHAHA ! then go tpy central with joey and rei <33 then go to joey friend house , her friend big chio bu worhs ! haa ! then homed ler ! :D. HAHAHAAAAAA P/S - i'm still missing you , I dunno what to think, or what to do .. ;[ 33 |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones HISTORY TEST ! ;DD !I LOVE IT ! so fun ! and niceH... The facts is that , i still love you . The memorie... HMMM..... LETS SEE ! ANOTHER 1 MONTH AND 11 DAYS T... Me and the dolphin ;]]We playing poker. Me. LOL. t... My heart still hurts , the memories still haunt me... DA JIA HAO ! okayyyyyysczx ! Yesterday , Audrey an... Just some self reminders ;]] HIST.TEST - TUESDAY-M... TMR GOING ESCAPE ;DD! Those want go between 10.30-... 啊~ 今天我在班上听“沿海公路的出口” ,听了眼泪就不禁的流了下来。。啊啊~Feeling so s... TODAY IS FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN !Today was funnnn... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |