It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Sunday, February 15, 2009 VALENTINE DAY ! HAHAHAS ! fun ! (: Early in the morning woke up at 6 ! blur blur blur ~ Then went to help out in GB ! (: ! Haha , so much fun , can ? (: All juniors are so cute , but i kena slapped by 1 junior cus i say her cute ._. . LOL ! nvm ! (: After that , change my shirt went out , to escape (: with felicia , shimin . saw leroy at mrt station (: , Then leroy called jesper , that star guy to come ! (: . we have much fun ! except for haunted house la ! ): i scream like hell ): . so scary can ? somemore, leroy and jesper keep kicking me . then the girls shout , i thought got ghost i also shout . so scary ): . i hold felicia's hand untill very tight lols ! ): . after all those rides , went to plaza singapura . LEROY AND JESPER KEEP FOLLOWING ME ): . they say they wanna know who i go out with , ): . i run run run also cannot run away , ): . they run faster mah ! of course lah !! ):< . after that of course manage to run away ! LOL ! . went down to vivo (: . LALALALALALA. everytime kena tickled can ? ): . i din eat , dao my stomach damn pain ): . Played water ,, ARCADE ! woooooooooooooots ! Then we sit down at the ppl shop there , LOL then i kena tickled -_-" . CRIESSSSS ): . Then we slack there , then talk dao *HIM i can swear i don't love him anymore , ): . In facts , i hate him . spoiled my mood ): . Luckily , i manage to hold back my tears ytd , (: slack there for a long long time , lools. stilll got alot things , but i lazy to write lah ! LOL byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees (: LEROY , u see ! i din din din write dao anybodys' name (: , so don't make wild guesses who i out with (: |
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