It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Thursday, February 26, 2009 YO ! funn ~ Ok , lah , fun lah canszxc ? Today don;t know why suddenly so pekchek for no reasons , SORRY FOR THAT ): ,, Morning go sku damn damn damn early ~~ ;o ;o ;o ! , Then , SO DARK -_-" Scary canszxc ? , after that , go do class deco ! :o ;o ;o ! Then go assembly , double period science , P.E Pon-ed it , VP saw , come guailanszxc me and wenn TMD , say i no fit in this sku worh, then i say THIS SKU NOT FIT TO BE MY SKU ! Then recess , Stay-ed in class for class deco , Not bad , quite nice ~~ Then math math , quite ok lah , then got , eng . relieve uh ? do class deco . then mt , then music HOME-D , Pon malay , Go out with leroy and xiuwen at first , then i eat the mee , I ATE TH CHILLI damn hot hot hot hot hot hot hot , Chilli barley , hot dao so long -_-" . Then actually go parklane wan play lan. then aron and laiwang came , we go to city hall there ;;o ? Siao one lah , the aron and laiwang damn sot lah k ? The aron push laiwang into the sex shop LOL ! Then after that they pretend gays while walking , EEEEEEEE ~~~~ Then we go LAN LAN LAN ! (: then i play-ed maple awhile i go audi , using wenn's account . Kena tickled again lor , LOL then fiinish liao , wan go home de , but we pangseh laiwang LOOL ! Then go to th dunno where lah , walk walk walk walk walk , walk here walk there , all same place . Then got one part damn look like air port can ? LOL . my leg kena hit by aron DAMN RED -_-" -'- -'- -'- I hit back ^^ ! LOL. took my handphone away ): ): ): Then of course can take back lah ! and hor i tell u arh , the toilet of that dunno what centre is damn damn damn royal nice lah hor , DAMN NICE DERH the toilet can be controlled one , wah , nice . ^^ . lke palace like that , my house also not so grand lor ! LOL one toilet cabinet onli LEH !!! LOL ! Then go home lor ! LALALALALA ~ cleanup stuff , online . stare at this stupid com and posting this stupid post , LOL ! Gong lah me , LOL Thats all lah , waiting for my pizza <3 <3 My sister and her stead treat derh nehh !! HAHAHA |
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