It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Sunday, March 15, 2009 TODAY IS A BAD DAY ): ! Woke up at 9 like that , i forgotten ler ): ! Then , my father said to me yesterday that he will be home .. but when i woke up , i looked around his bedroom , he is not there ): ! Utter disappointment ): ! He break his promise to me . Then he called me around 10 + to prepare then he bring me go eat dian xin . so well , i went to bath and stuff , just randomly pick a t-shirt and wear it -_-" thenthen , we go to chinatown the yumcha there . Nice , but that cheena bu is there . is like so what th fcuk lah hor ! then go to see dogs , then that cheena bu wan buy dogs then ok buy , then go her house , blah , using father's laptop blahblahblah ! then i pester my father to let me home . he cannot tahan then ok . then go collect the dog first . zzzzzzzzz........................................................ B.O.R.E.D ! Then go home , i cooked my own dinner. NICE NICE NICE (: ! then online-d . chatting with leroy now . LOL ! HERE THE CONVERSATION {♥}Moon{♥}-{♥1e3♥}-Moonlights Shines Upon All says: lol {♥}Moon{♥}-{♥1e3♥}-Moonlights Shines Upon All says: ya worst birthday ever {♥}Moon{♥}-{♥1e3♥}-Moonlights Shines Upon All says: so u wan a present? {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: no LOOOOOL. i dun think a present would help - _-" {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: i think killing miss tan would help alot {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: ZZZZZZZ {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: Why don't you help me to kill miss tan as a present for me {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: then u chop down her head and give it to me {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: THAT WILL BE SO COOL (: {♥}Moon{♥}-{♥1e3♥}-Moonlights Shines Upon All says: lol {♥}Moon{♥}-{♥1e3♥}-Moonlights Shines Upon All says: i wish i could {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: Wow ! or u wan to kill miss gan also can {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: hmm.. both will be good (: {♥}Moon{♥}-{♥1e3♥}-Moonlights Shines Upon All says: wlao u know the icm {♥}Moon{♥}-{♥1e3♥}-Moonlights Shines Upon All says: dun tell her any private thing {♥}Moon{♥}-{♥1e3♥}-Moonlights Shines Upon All says: she will tell ur parents de {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: ;OOOOOO {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: how u know ♥}Moon{♥}-{♥1e3♥}-Moonlights Shines Upon All says: she go tell my mom everything i told her in icm {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: wah ! {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: MISSGAN , DOGGY ! {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: MISSTAN , DOG+SLUT+BITCH+ OLDDDDDDDD VIRGIIIIIINNNNNNNNN -- AHGIRL'S CONVERSATION {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: YO -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: YO AIAI -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: yes? {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: aiai LOL {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: chatchat ! {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: got stead liao uh -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: me? {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: yah LOL -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ahah larh .... he dont want to tell who he like leh .. {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: LOL ! {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: Who is chen ren ? -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: you knoe who is JINGLING {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: YES -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: CHEN REN IS FROM CO DE {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: I HATE HER ! X= {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: chenren sec what? -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: JINGLING ALSO WANT TO FLIRT CHENREN {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: LOL -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: SEC2 {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: HOW U KNOW {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: jingling wana flirt hi {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: himm* -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: SHE HER SELF TELL PEOPLE DE..THEN MY FRIEND SAME CLASS AS HER THEN SHE TOLD ME {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: WTH {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: chenren who lai derh wad class -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ER HE SEC2 . 2t2 ? {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: ohhh -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: he in CO play Yang qin {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: Ohoh , -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: so knoe who is he? {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: No LOOOL ! -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ... show u next time {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: Hahaha , ok -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: but do u knoe who is EUNICE {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: yes {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: sec 2e2 ? -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: yah {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: yah i know . -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: if Chenren beome mine .JINGLING FLIRT HIM .WE WILL FUCK HER UPSIDE DOWN {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: LOOL {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: why fuck her !!!!!!!!!!!! -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: sik lar she -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ause she is FLIRTING CHENREN {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: NOT NEED FUCK HER {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: LOL {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: U DARE TO FUCK HER? {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: OMGOMGOMG -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ya ..see how lor {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: LOL ! -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: so how . you like anyone? {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: Confidential LOLOL -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ? {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: i mean , its secret LOL -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ohrs {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: HAHAHAHA -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: okay okay {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: i siao liao ;o ;o ;o ! -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: y {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: Dunno LOL {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: my fcvking~!@#$%&*()_+ science teacher {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: go complain to my fucking hell' dad -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: then . {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: my dad now controlling me ): ): {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: And gonna transfering me out of sku ....... -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ya saw ur blog -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: wat -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: i thought if u behave he will not transfer? {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: he now say 100 % liao ):. {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: latest by end of r -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: uh.se2 hanging {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: but i think if my result got quite alot of As , then maybe i can persuade him not to transfer e out . -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: wa ....... hard for you h {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: ya lor .. {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: hows ur result anyway -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: pass 6 failed 2 .dont ask me whih subjet i fail ause i dont even knoe whih 2 {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: lol -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ause i did't even see my report book then my father give bak to MR KIM {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: loooooooooooooool {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: whats ur sister's sku -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: GUANG YANG {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: oh. {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: why not bhs LOL -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: the moe did't hoose the same -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ya {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: Haishhaishhaish , {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: boredboredbored . -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: yup .. {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: Let me post our conversation in blog -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: see when his mine i'll tell u -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: okay {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: LOL ! {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: Ok , must tell me LOL -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: i will de ur my AIAI {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: I MUST KNOW WHO IS MY AIAI'S qingfu -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ahah ..... he is in GARNET house {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: Then ah i go and bash the qingfu up -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: arh .....y {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: LOL. ok . much easier to find ( MALICIOUS LAUGH ) {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: CUS HE SNATCH AWAY U LOL -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ahahah....... {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: I am damn with th' qingfu LOL. jkkkke (: -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ahah........ i also want to see urs {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: loool {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: Nobody wants me leh ): ): LOL. jkkkke -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: u so hio {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: I NO CHIO LAH ! FUCKU ! {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: lols ! -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: i dont want to FUCKU {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: LOL. {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: WHY , u rather fuck jingling also dun wan me ): {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: wah , i sad liao -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ahah....... sry ........ -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ahah....... sry ........ -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: i dont want to FUCK anybody {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: ;o ;o ;o ! -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: F_k my own Boy. {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ! {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: i damn jealous of ur BOY )": -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ahaah........... {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: lolol ! -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: faster stead larh {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: U ah ! lo {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: lol* -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: ahaha {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: U faster stead lah ! LOL -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: see 1st lor ..... {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: LOL. {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: faster lah ! >:]] -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: okay will try my best -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: i need to get his msn 1st {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: LOLOL !! {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: Bring me go see him horr !! -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: okay .... {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: then i go first thing i do is , {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: STAB HIM -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: but i dont see u in the anteen often . {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: ;o ;o ;o ! {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: thenthenthen . {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: hmmm. {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: u stead liao bring me go see LOL -AhGiRl- BabyC. says: okay sure. {♥} Janice'' x33 , } { - DEVILSZXC ICE ! ;O - - Th , BHB-QUEEN <33 - says: hahahahahaaaa. |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones Friday , 13/03/09Didn't went to school , 11.30 rea... i drew this dog , cute bodoh To that : Slutty slutty slutty slut ! (: ... i draw one , nice ? I have to study hard after the march holidays alre... FEELING SO STRESS UPFather control me ,Teacher con... Well , WORST BIRTHDAY EVER ): ): ):went to sku wit... Alright , today , i have been a total good girl (:... I MISS 6.MOZART 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ): ): ): ):I M... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |