It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Sunday, March 29, 2009 YO babes ! :D Went to IMM today with Rei , Leroy and Jasper . [ Once again , the same peoples ] Met Rei at Jurong East Mrt Station , then shuttlebus-ed down to IMM . Walked around , Saw FAHRENHEIT . Didn't manage to take any pictures as i forgotten to bring my camara . Rei phone just shut down . Everybody was SCREAMING ! Then i thought Fahrenheit was coming but it was a false alarm , a fat fat woman walk down . Everybody laughed ! Then when fahrenheit came down , all of us shout like mad ! They damn shuai can ? Especially , AARON YAN YA LUN ! Then awhile later , jasper and leroy went off then rei also , so i bobian follow them . Walked around . Then joked around also . Went to buy a CD [ Horror Movie ] then we went to Leroy's house to watch . Tmd , Jasper scare me . i screamed ._. Its scary okay ? After show was like crapping around . LOL. Then disturb Leroy . We locked the door . Then leroy angry . Damn scary . [ APOLOGISE ! ] Then he don' t let me take the key . x_x Then during the show , they make the horror movie into a porn movie x_x When the ghost was on the girl then we say the ghost is fucking the girl . Then the man go and help the girl to run away from the ghost . Then i say the girl is ______ AND ______ . LOL ! Then i keep saying " Fuck me baby one more time ! " LOL. But actually it was "Hit me baby one more time " LOL. Then i keep saying then i say is _____ say to _____ . Then i kena hit ): . I keep match make people there ! HAAHAHA. But they math make me also ): . Keep saying that the whole day . But i keep going " NO LAH ! REALLY LAH ! " LOL ! Then i kena slapped alot of times for using vulgarities ! Jasper's back is oh-so-pathetic . We hit him untill damn cham . LOL ! Nothing much to say , Tomorrow school , maybe transferring to Bendemeer . School sux. Teacher sux . Classmates RAWK ! ;D |
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