It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Hello ! :D Yesterday ; 28/4/09 -- Tuesday . YO . Didn't go to school . Cuz woke up late and some sort of headache and fevelish . So didnt went . Quarreled with Xuanna . -__-" ( Bu ke si yi orh ? ) Partially my fault , but , well , she insults me too . So well , she at fault too . (: Actually nothing much until she pulled my mother into the picture. Well , i duncare liao. Then she ask for 1-1 worhszxccxzs . ( LOL ? ) Ok-Ok. Enough of the quarrel part . I found out that Audrey didn't go school too . She sick also . LOL ! So we went to the doc. Then Audrey say want to go palau ubin . Then i scare -___-" Then we didn't go . We MRT-ED to Tampinese , then buse-d to Changi Village. Actually wanted to boat to palau ubin but dun dare. So in the end , cabb-ed back to Tiong. 18,40 leh ! ): Then go eat . Then we watched a movie. Then saw mrs singh , we run away . The doctor siao one i tell u i go to the doctor then the doctor say "janice , what happen to u ? " then i say what happen to me Then he ask " Did you go to mexico recently ? " Audrey and i was like laughing like mad . Then bought my asthma inhaler . (: Today ; 19/4/09 Wednesday . Didn't go to school today . Yaya , some people say i got excuse lahs . If don't want to believe , nvm lor . Scold all you wan , insult all you want . Scold me Mother-less ? Nvm . Continue, i don't care ler . (: And i really got fever and headache lorhs. You want medical cerfificate , ic an give you . Wanna see the medicine ? Also can . Ok lahs . Shall not elaborate more , least ppl say i insult her -_-" OkOk. Byeee (: Gonna meet audrey for Lunch later . Tmr exam . Jiayou everybody (: |
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