It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Monday, April 13, 2009 HELLO ! - Hi alls ! Just returned home . Yeah fun day today . Love it alots ! Lets start from early in the morning .. DING DONG DING DONG ~~ Hi ! Woke up at 4 am kena woke up by sister say is 6 am -_-" Went back to sleep woke up at 5am . Then went back to sleep Woke up at 5.30 and went back to sleep again and woke up at 5.45am . Ok . Then went to bath and stuff . Tied up my fringe today you know !! Then MRT-ED to school today . Met Xuan at Novena Mrt . Yeah ~ And she cut bangs ! :o Nice manszxc ! You are still as chio as ever lahs ! Dun worry ! :D Then in the end , way up to school , i put down my fringe . Cus i scare people laugh at me T_T . then go to school . Borrowed ties from sen he . Thanks lots yeah ! Then have assembly and stuff . Went back class for English . Quite interesting except for the sick leroy ! LOL ! I eat the sweet he say i suck cock . -_-" . Then played with the barbell LOL [ No pierce hor ! ] Then i for suddeni just say ME : " haiz haiz , cannot pierce tongue leh , or else lc with other ppl uh , later the tongue tangle up ! " LEROY : " No lah ! when you do blowjob , later the dick stuck here . " ME : ;O ! " Who got people dick so small one ! aiyoh.." LEROY : " Got lor , aron one " ME : " Orh hor , i go tell him ! " LEROY : I haven finish lahs , AARON YAN YA LUN , fahrenehit one ! ME : * Msg send ! * FAHRENHEIT RAWKS ! :D LOL !! Then got the SCIENCE ~ I threw away my science textbook so i dun have the book. Then talk about omosis and stuff lor ! Got back science result . Shocking manszxc ! i got 72 ._. Then got Chinese . Ok-Ok. Damn funny that period Then Recess . Pei xuan go to office find teacher do her science test I was helping her allthe way mansxzc ! i so good right? LOL ! Then go eat , o back class . Got History . Mrs tay was damn angry by ZHANSONG. LOL ! Shall not elaborate. Then got the english . 2 PERIOD. Again the sick leroy , again lor ! Talk about the cock thingy . Then got one name EE CUMMING he also can make until damn disgusting. EEW ! Then got DNT Do practical one . LOL ! Thanks LAVANNYA for helping me manszxc. I know nothing . LOL ! Tmr maybe Practical again !! :D yeah ! Then got assembly . Talk about International Friendship Day. So bored lor ! Xuanna was shouting all the way ! LOL KEEP VULGAR AH ! Tsk tsk , bad bad ecstacy orh ~~ Then school ends. Go meet Jingyi with Ecstacy . Jingyi was retarded but cute lor ! Then i went to Kheng Cheng Primary School . LOL Can get in ley ! Saw Chuxuan aiai and the whailin ? :DD Then Jingyi was acting retarded and seducing the cleaner . LOL Wants to find khongngim derh , but cant find ley ! LOL. Saw sheena . Chio bu oii ~~~ After slacking at KCS , went to mac , find natalie they all . Then Xuanna pierce her tongue , i didn;t . Then see her in such pain . LOL ! Then go to Seven eleven buy drinks , kao , she drink so many . LOL. Then i treat Jingyii drinks leh ! i so good. then go to blk 209 there. wanna find x.bei and natalie they all one . Then cant find. In the end we wanna go blk 94. Then natalie from on top shout down. SO SCARY ~ She like wanna jump down from building like that. Then go up . all so seah . They play the laugihng gas. then all so high . LOL. So scary lo ! Then go to blk 97 there slack slack slack. Saw Miranda and her friend stuff. No offence but damn guailan , zzz. Then played with penknife . Then sheena shoutshoutshout . LOL ! Then they smoke , i didn't i good girl ley . LOL ! And then jingyi took out her pads . LOL ._. LOLLOL. THen stick on the tree manszxc . LOLOLOL ! Then uhs , went to slack around and stuff. Then went home ! :D Tmr going down to BMSS . Yeahs ! Jingyi , Wailin and Ecstacy pei wo hor ! :D * WINKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ~ * ! Thats all :D . |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones HILARIOUS BO ?know something ?My sister just polis... Janice feels like vomit , but nothing came out .. ONCE A SISTER , SISTER FOR LIFE .once sister , for... HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE ! HI Friends ! Ja,nice... I created this . Yes we rawks ! 1N1 and 1E3 . :D . 1) Beside your lips , where is the favourite spot ... ONE MORE SISTAHH <33CHUXUAN - STEADDSTEADD♥The day... FEELING TROUBLED.I got a hunch that its not gonna ... OH-SO-BOREDHi ! Life's so bored . LOL !Today Ja,ni... Sentosa with Bestiesss ! :DHi ! Went to SENTOSA ! ... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |