It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Friday, April 10, 2009 Sentosa with Bestiesss ! :D Hi ! Went to SENTOSA ! with Audrey <3. Woke up at 9.30am . Early right? Cus i slept damn early last night . Around 8pm++ :D Then prepare everything and meet Audrey at laodifang . Then walk to Tiong Mrt . Board the train and to outram and to habourfront . Then to vivo . We ate at LongJohnSilver. Then went to take the tram and to sentosa. The queue damn long , Talked about our secondary school . Then get into the tram ,went to sentosa. Rode bike around the island . Went to seven eleven. Then into a trail which is very creepy and spooky. ( EEW ! ) Then go to the carpark there and ride and go the sea there. Then got one uncle ah , somemore indian one . [ Not being racist ] Whistle here then waved at us . So scary . Then Audrey ahlian worhszxc , Scold him fucku . LOL ! I wouldn't said that , cus i dun want to fuck an indian -_-" Then we faster rode off Then ride for 1 hour then go return the bike and went for skyride. 2xs . Quite abit of scary . eeeewww ~ Then took pictures. ALOT ALOT. Then go to play the 4D magix , SCARYYY ~ Then the log ride . SCARYYY ~ We have fun though , Then we walk around and went back to vivo city . Ate there , walk around , prank jiawen . She forgot me T___T ! I called her LAI JIJI ! HAHAHA ! She should know is me mah ! Whats MOZART-EENS ? WE ARE MOZART , WE ARE UNITED ! :DDD Then went walk around , then go back to tiong . Then go Popular . Guai hor ! Go read books ley ! Then walk around , then walk home . Tiring ~ :D But fun though !! Then was talking about primary school . Then me and audrey was just opposite Zhangde . THen i keep point point point then say " WAH ! ZHANGDE SO CHIO ! " LOL ! Then she keep laughing . Then i say i miss Mrs singh ...HAIR ! LOL ! Hahaha .. Talk alot alot alot . Don't feel like going home one lor ! Miss AUDREY ! :D and of course , MOZARTEENS ! We gonna have a classgathering SOON ! I miss alot alot of them ! Like , Jiawen = Lai ji ji / Mushiie ! Felicia = Fishiie ! Audrey = Piggiie Junying = Sheepiie ! Gino = Dino Benedict = Mr bean . Yongshen = Dunno what . LOL ! Darryl = JY's laogong. Reuben = Fat ass -_-" Jiahao = Oyster without house -_-" Jiabei = Dunno what . LOL ! Alvin = Clown Jacky = Gangster ALOT ALOT ALOT more ~~ Tags replies ! Ecstacy : Lac luhs , Th spammer no life Xiao girl : Thank for th tag and noted will go to your blog and take a look :D Lihong : Of course , HEHEHEHE ! xD Tinghui : No lahs ! The person jio us derh ! ._. Jingyu : Jia ba bo sai pang . LOL . Relax sis . :D Thanks for th help too o ~ Clarissa : Haha , Agree lor, no life . haiz.. Nvm . I don't entertain losers ~ :D Thanks for th help ! Appreciated o ~ Xiao gir : The person no call me ler :D Jiayean : SUPP :DD ! Hows life ? Hahas. |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones POST BELOW MIGHT BE OFFENSIVE .[ I have been sayin... MUSIC IS TH LOVE YO !HIHIHI ! :DEarlings , Janice ... Piano is the {L} , YO ! xD Wait up damndamndamndam... Hi ! :DToday is counted as my "unlucky" day .Woke ... Hi . Some of you might think that the previous pos... Hey !Woke up late , again . -_-"Ok fine , then sa... Janice shall go to bed now as there is school tomo... Hi , My sister is a bitch . [ ELDER ]WILD WILD WET... COUSIN COMING MY HOUSE TO SLEEP OVER ,WHAT A NUISA... Janice is so guai to go 扫墓 today . (:yeah yeah yea... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |