It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Thursday, April 9, 2009 MUSIC IS TH LOVE YO ! HIHIHI ! :D Earlings , Janice back here to blog about her daily life and rantings . Okays. Hi once again =X Woke up damn late today , later than usual damn late. Reach school almost late . Then got SCIENCE SCIENCE , got that test , I think i will do badly T_T * Prayy * I guessed almost all the answer except some cus i asked for help ! LOL Then got PE after that , Played bedminton , even though i am not good at it ! I managed to play ! :D Next was recess , ate and went back to class and have double period of MATH . Math lesson was hilarious ! I sat beside xiuwen , then she played with her ELMO . Then teacher confiscated . LOL and Xiuwen keep shouting . LOL ! Damn funny , then i keep diao-ing JUZTIN and ZHANSONG. Then i keep laughing. Whole class too . Damn pissed off by a GLK ! Then got English , Use that MINI laptop . Then surf the net . Online as usual . Then Chinese . Done the zuo ye 5 with Leroy and Zhengyu Have great fun discusingg about the zuo ye . After that was music ! DAMN LOOK FORWARD. I played the piano well ~~ :D LOL ! Chased zhansong to beat him LOL ! Then he run ! I ALSO ! LOL ! I almost catch dao him then got a teacher walk pass ~_~ Then i scare i fall down the stairs dun dare run on stair -_-" After that went SEVEN ELEVEN buy food eat , then go up to class. On the way , saw alot alot alot alot ppl. Okays fine , i hit XIUWEN cus she make fun of me ): Then she shouted ," CB !! PAIN !! " Then i think laiwang shout , " CB PAIN AH ? " LOL Then aron scold me Baichi . Take my chewy gum still scold me bai chi . Then go malay class. Th teacher was damn good ! Cus change teacher , have fun man ! Then took class photo . Then end the lesson , got some idiots prankcalled me . Damn pissed off Then after that go down school . Then go seven eleven , Bought a chocolate. Waited for bus. Bus so long. Finally bus come , but bu she de li kai my aiai and laopo . So in the end i stayd with them , but they so bad ): Hired a cab and call me go home ~_~ Thanks aiai and laopo send me home man ~~ :D Then go ah ma house . Played with siblings. Then eat , Now home. Tooth pain ): . SAD. Labels: Music rawks my life . |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones Piano is the {L} , YO ! xD Wait up damndamndamndam... Hi ! :DToday is counted as my "unlucky" day .Woke ... Hi . Some of you might think that the previous pos... Hey !Woke up late , again . -_-"Ok fine , then sa... Janice shall go to bed now as there is school tomo... Hi , My sister is a bitch . [ ELDER ]WILD WILD WET... COUSIN COMING MY HOUSE TO SLEEP OVER ,WHAT A NUISA... Janice is so guai to go 扫墓 today . (:yeah yeah yea... When we go escape that time . LOL. thats me and do... KNOW SOMETHING ?MISS TAN'S MAMA PASS AWAY .HAIZ.. ... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |