It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Friday, May 15, 2009 Hello :D {!} Hahahahas . I simply loves today . Ok . Woke up , prepared everything . Off to school ! Meet with Aiai and Meihui. And we walked up to school as usual . :D Then chatted among us . Such a nice chat {!} Then assembly . Mr Karamjit is just crapping all the way . *ROAR* After assembly , went back for Listening Comprehension . I look so lethargic , i mean everyday i am {?} Then after that , 8.30am dismissed . Msg-ed with Audrey. Then walk down with Aiai and Jolene , Me and Jolene went to have macdonalds for our breakfast . And i headed home . Prepared awhile , Cabb-ed to Outram Sec. Meet Audrey . Heard that her history was difficult , well , Just do your very best {!} I will support you till the very end {!} What bestie are for {?} Talked to Yanting too . Met alot of Audrey's classmate . Then went to TiongBahruPlaza . Audrey bought her food . And i went to her house . Waited outside her house till her brother was back . Then went in . Camwhored lots ! Audrey 's father was pretty funny aye ! After that , went to Outram Sec to wait for Pingting . So yeah , she said it wasn't her spamming Audrey's blog. But there was her name . So well ... After that , went to TiongBahruPlaza. Saw Amos , and he scolded me fuck . Ask him go bang the wall and die . Then after that , Audrey and i went into the popular . Hehheh , we read books ! ^^ Sucha good girls right? After that we went to buy sweet talk we went serperate ways. She bused home from TiongBahruPlaza Bus-stop . I don't wanna walk alone home , so i took a cab back . It just only , $2.80 !! The meter didn't went up . Was so shy at that time . So went home , Msg dad , he didn't reply me , so well , Ok , Finished crapping . Bye :D . |
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