It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Thursday, October 16, 2008 Post for today ~~.. Haiiz.. today was a SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER DUPER BORING DAY !! actualy wanna to go shopp shopp wibb fren. but iie pok liao luhhs.. ~~ then change it to tmrr.. then today woke up at 9 + by my papa shouting " why nv go to sku " wth .. then pretend nv hear then my sis say today psle marking day . then after tat he gone liao i woke up at around 10 then jiejie also going out liao.. she take laptop away. then i so boring. hp NO MSGG T_T no TV SHOW T_T . so boring. most sad derh ishh NO FOOD T_T T_T. Then iie woke up so hungry wanna cook found out no cooking oil. BATH AND STUFF add ggo down buy cooking oil . so tired~~ then so heavy ( think cus my body aching cus of the dance ) then went up to my house cook 2 cheese hotdog , eggs and some mantou ( chocolate flavour ) oh ya oh ya and SOME FRESH MILK then eat finish duneven bother to clean then so tired go lie down on bed nth to do watch tv tv tv tv from 12 - 6 i lie down on bed SO STUPID. then no sho to watch then i watch la bi xiao xin. quite funny l0ls.. then all watch before nth to do on music. listen listen listen . nthh to do again. just lie on bed for SOOO LONGG see hp no MSGG . no laptops !! - SO SIANNZ miss blogging. and msn-ingg..then 6 go ah ma house and eat watch tv. so boring. everybody no sku all damn noisy. then i close door . watch tv. then go home. now blogging. LAME HORR??? haiz... so boring today hope tmr ishh not like today luhh ~~~ HOPE EVERYBODY HABB A HAPPY DAY FOR THE NEXT 5 DAYS ;DD- ♥嘉x33 LOVE YOUU xDD |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones today was CCA day !! wootss !! finally back to my ... today was a quite good/not good day LOlx. we were ... ^^ 和好了!!i he hao with FELIICIA TANN lerhhs xDD ^-^... iie wouldd havee properbly saiid tatt too makkee u... TOday wahh!! my gann jiieh ( jiingyu ) saiid she a... iie wokee upp att 10.00 wokenn upp byy my fatherr ... w0kee upp att 9.00 dhenn wentt bathh && stuff stuf... PLAN for TMRR xD PLAN 1 10.30-10.... yayy yayy !! it is end of PSLEE xD and it is PLAYY... hahass. todayy chinese !! iieLOVEit !! xD. the COM... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |