It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Sunday, March 1, 2009 1:Beside ur lips, wher is ur favourite spot to get kissed?-Cheeks. 2:How do you feel when you woke up tis morning?-Blur .3:Who was the last person you took a photo wit?-Myself .4:Would you consider urself to be spoiled?-Maybe uh .5:Would you ever donate blood?-Maybe, depends on who th person is , 6:Have you ever had a best fren who was of the opp sex?- Yes. 7:Do you wann some1 dead?- No .8:Wat does ur last msg said?- ' come on luh dun angry smile (:.. ' -_-". IM ANGRY ! -_-" 9:Wat are you thinkin of rite now?- How to finish this quiz 10:Do you wish someone was wit you right now?- Don't know. 11:Wat time did you go to slp last nite?- 11.15 like that , 12:Wher did you buy the shirt you are wearin now?- Hongkong , (mango) 13:Is someone on ur mind rite now?- Maybe yes no , -_-" 14:who was the last person text you?- Why must tell you ? 10 PPL TAGGED TO DO TIS QUIZ:- 1. FELICIA TAN 2. KATHY ONG 3. CHIN SHI HUI 4. CHUA JIAYI 5. JINGYU 6. RYO 7. XUAN NA 8. ZHANSONG 9. JINHUI 10. JIAYEAN 15:Who is 2 having a relationship wit? - I also want to know leh .16:Is 3 a male or female?- Female. 17:If 7 and 10 get tgt will tat be a good thing? - They're not lesbians. 18: What is number 1 studying abt? - Not sure. 19:Is number 4 single? - Should be , 20:Say something abt number 2. - NICE , SWEET, KIND , HELPFUL , PRETTY ! .21:Wat do you think abt number 3 & 6 being tgt? - WOW ~ THATS COOL .22:Describle number 9. CRAZY , ER... DUNNO LEH , LOL ! !23:Wat will you do if number 6 & 7 fight?- I will buy popcorn and watch th free show ! , just joking , i will tell th teacher , see i so guai ! ;o 24:Do you like number 1?- NO ! , CUS I LOVE HER !!!!!!! , SHES MY BESTIE ! MY LESPOOOO ! (: (: |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones Well ,Nothing to blog about early in the morning (... YOHH !Blahhhhhhhhhhhhh , !I woke up at ...... 5 ;o... YO ! funn ~Ok , lah , fun lah canszxc ?Today don;t... 1 - Whos th person who tagg-edd u ?Answer ; Felic... DNT TEST RESULTS .23/30 -_-"I thought i will fail ... LALALA ,, FUNN FUNN ,Morning , go to school . LOL ... School arh , Boring as usual , bus damn cold ~~~Fi... MY DREAMSZXC PHONE ;O ;O, OHMYGOSHH , It cost , $4... MAD MONDAY- Woke up at , 5.15 , as usual ;o- Bath ... I don't know who the hellthe person is that istell... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |