It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 Go school. share cigg with joey eh , during recess , quarreled with rei , she kp me she say i scold her stupid , and she so kp , i talk to who she also talk to who dun let th person talk to me ): . hate her . then i so piss off so angry . smoke-d -_-' . ok about smoking part , i will NOT smoke again , believe me ): . now all call me pai kia , . I SWEAR i won't say vulgarities and smoke anymore (: i will be guai kia from now onwards (: trust me (: . TRUST ME FRIEND , JUST NOW SMOKE JUST OUT OF ANGER AND ONE REASON (: so friend , don't scold me like i am paikia ): . ok ? PLEASE , ): . then at seven eleven , LOL funny lah , i want find the suck oil derh paper then i take then actually i joke joke nia . i said " want take then zhao ?" LOL. then they say " steady uh ?" then xiuwen say take out wrapper , then xuanna put in her pocket , actually i did forget bout it , then we alk out then when we outside liao then i remember damn funny can ? LOL. (: Go united square , lols . so bored lah, then go tpy central with xiuwen <3<3 LOL. funny can ? we go kiddy palace she keep beating me , and she sot one can keep calling "_ _ _ _ " . Then she want him to come , then i say something ^^ , then xuwen aangry , then xiuwen keep talking about that 4 years old wear swim short untill now derh thingy OMG OMG OMG ! i laugh like mad can ? ( : . - FRIEND , PLEASE TRUST ME , I WILL CHANGE !!!! FOR WHATEVER YOU ALL WANNA SAY ABOUT ME WHETHER WHAT THINGS , I WIL CHANGE , I DETET PPL SAYING I PAIKIA AND AHLIANS, IT SERIOUSLY DAMN DETESTFUL CAN ? I HATE IT , EVEN THOUGH I VULGARED , BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN THAT I AM AHLIAN OK? SO NOW I WILL STOP VULGARITY !!!!! I SWEAR ! I WON'T SMOKE TOO , BELIEVE ME ): . PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - for whatever i do , i don't care anymore , i know this things won't go long , so , i just treat it as a joke (: kidding kidding and kidding (: |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones Ok ok ok ok (: DAMN FUN , bodohszxc ! LOLLLL < COP... LALALALALALALALALALALLALALALALAALALALA~Felicia wan... Even though , i know i hate you , but somethings c... I QUIT VULGARITIES !!!!!!!!!!!!I SWEAR !!!!!!!!!!!... VALENTINE DAY !HAHAHAS ! fun ! (:Early in the morn... TAG REPLY !Ecstacys ; yah luhs , sad lah ):Yufen ;... VALENTINE !! <33 !I could still celebrate valentin... PON SCHOOL ;[lalala.. woke up at 7.00 am :DActuall... PADDDD !TODAY is damn fun !!Morning actually dun w... OKOKOK ! Today wasEXTREMLY fun can?i woke up early... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |