It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Thursday, February 19, 2009 YO CCBs (: LOL ! i mean , Cute Chio Bu ! hmmm..let me tell you why ! Lets start from the morning (: Went to school , saw KA on bus so suayy uh ? ): .Then go seven eleven kena tickled by ONE IDIOT !!! <> LOL. Then walked up to school , blah ......... Boring as usual , science lesson , learn nth much being asked out by a teacher , he shouted at my sista <3> sister cried ): . he said me , i cried ): . HE SAY CCB IS JUST PASSING AN OPINIONS , HE SAY ARH , EVERYBODY GOT THEIR MIND OF OPINIONS. I AM SO FED UP CAN ? ):. I CRIED , HAPPI ? SAY I NOT IN BAND , MAI CHUP SO MUCH , ISN'T THAT BEING BIASED ? ): I NOT IN BAND , KENA BEAT BY PPL MUST QUIET QUIET LET HIM HOOT ISIT ? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ............................................... then PE lesson (: . cried ): . lols. me and sista so dulan luh ! Xiu wen <33> thanks love love <3 then recess time , went find the AH PUI who po our name infront of teacher . idiot uh , put in the end also say sorry to us luh . lols. then settled liao . then sugu come talk to me about the pad thingy, was just playing uh . sorry luh . Then during recess time tell the prefect what happen , then i say i tell the teacher ccb not say out , then they say maybe the teacher tot i say ccb as other things , wah , then my sistaa <3 damn pro luh , she say is CUTE CHIO BU , then PCB is PRETTY CHIO BU LCB is LAO CHIO BU . (: . nice uh ? haha . (: . then got malay lesson . like wtf shit can ? teacher say want to transfer me to oter class since i so buay song with this class , sista , nv er laopo <3> we clever luh , all write boring boring , what we like we say NOTHING. what we dun like , we write ALOTTTTTT ! (: Then after that teacher kp me alot luh . then we go down there to play , play chalk , draw each others, then we write who love who thingie , lol. i angry with xianjun lah trying break my arm , i cried u know ? abit onli (: . so pain lah i ren ren ren , lols ! then they throw the dunno what soil or mud or what on me ahhhh... smelly lah !! they say they pee-d on it !! THE CULPRITS - LAI WANG , XIAN JUN , ARON ! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aron and lai wang still say i smelly after thrwing on me . ): then went home lah , so hot the weather !!! I KENA MOLEST BY ARON TAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ): ): ): I tell teacher , i call police , i call woodbridge bring u in ! (: wow i created derh , nice hor ? HAHAHA then go home , lols. (: . ATH LAH OF COURSE ! lol went home with shihui ;o ;o ;o ! then she , help me with the things in my hair so smellyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ! HAHAHAHAHA !! come home , bath lorh , LOL Then now use com ! (: |
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