It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Saturday, May 16, 2009 Harlooooooo xDDDD / } Shimin is beside me now . wakakakakaaa. We playing WII . She creating a profile , called AFK { Away from keyboard } And mine was called BRB { Be right back } Actually we thought of Ali and Baba . But nehmind . ;X Ok. Wait i go play first . -- 12.34PM :DD Wait wait sister wanna use . BYE -- Edit post . {!} Hiieee deariess ! xD Hahahahas. Today was VERY-NICE-BEAUTIFUL-PERFECT DAY ! xDD OkOk . xD Today went back ZDPS to help out . Hahahas . Help in the venture value project. I made one too ! Will put the pic , tmr or later . Then shi min made one too . HAHAHA. Then all juniors dunno how use com. Then must help them , then got one almost cry . I very scare Then i make her laugh -_-" . I look like clown meh ? x___x" I just say " Ok Ok , sorry sorry , i mistake lah ,dun like that say me lah , i sadsad ley " Then she laugh liao . LOL? Then i tell her " OMG ! SHIT , I DUNNO HOW TO DO ALSO !! " Then she also laugh And i seriously dunno how to do mahs ! Then took alotalot of pictures . Got new teacher got misstan , wear dao so sexy , bad example. Then after that , stayed back and help for the project. Then cab home {Shimin pay } and take money then played Wii Then cabb { I pay } to tiong , i think the uncle will be damn fedup lorh ! The cab damn nice can ? 7 seater derhs ! I LOVE IT ! HAHAHA. Then after that watch the movie , what the angel and devil thingy OH YAH , I BOUGHT THE HONEY CHICKEEN AND EAT IN THE CINEMA HAHAHAHA At first keep yawning , feel like sleeping .Then after that verynice liao Then got one part the man very noble ley ! Got the bomb mah , then the man take it and helicopter-ed up to the sky So noble . THen i tell shimin what i will do . 1) I take the bomb with me 2) Helicopter up to the sky . 3) Then throw down the bomb . That makes everybody dead except forme . LOL Obviously , it was just a joke lahs ! Then finish watching is so late liao Then we buse-d to Bugis . Shop around , then we mrt-ed to Raffles Place I cab home .LOL. Not enough cash then i use ATM card. Ok and FBI = Female Body Inspector = Jasper xD HAHAHAS. And and Purple is international gay colour , said by shimin . And today she keep insulting Purple. OMG. LOL ! And today alot people wear pink Shimin said that , there is a program in television coming up next week Telling us the colour thingy , made me laugh like shit OH YAH STRAWBERRY MILKTEA IS NICENICENICE, |
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