It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Monday, May 18, 2009 Results for MYE. ----------------- English paper 1 - 21/30 { Compo } English paper 1 - 14/30 { Letter writing } - Mr sugu say he dunno why th teacher fail me T_T Science - 44/100 . LOL. Not final yet ! DNT - 18/50 . Not final yet ! Chinese paper 2 - 38/45 . Overall - 70-/100 . Awww.... -- OkOk. met aiai as usual . Then go up school. Chatted alot alot . :D Then after that , go back class. Get our results . was reading this chinese book which is so nice :D LOL. Then after that , went to recess . Chuxi call us go meet her at field. Then we wait very long ler . Chuxi not here . THen jolene say dun wait ler then we go off. THen i think chuxi angry lehs. ALAMAK T_T . Sorry aiai Then after that , got that stupid assembly. So stupid lahs kays. Ok. Nothing much . Byebye. Going watch UNINVITED NOW. BYE. Went out with audrey after school. LOVE LOTS. :D -- Edit - Went to vivocity with sister and her kuku. Lalallaas . Watched uninvited . NICE . :DD Ok. Then went to eat MARCHE. HAHAHAS. we got 3 cards . then we use thecards. then the kuku say , we play a game , then we choose a card to pay the bill. I choose the card $0.00 HAHAHHAS. Then my sis 20+ her stead also 20 + HAHAHAS :DDD Then after that mrt-ed home |
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