It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Zhangde-rens Zhangde-rens , rawks th house yeh ? --Hiieeeeee , woke up , msg Jingyu , Chuxi and Rei whether i go school not. Jingyu say yes , Rei say dunno up to me , Chuxi said yes . So i went to school. I woke up and i cried LOL. Then my eyes damn red , then i cab-ed to school. Met Chuxi AIAI <3> Then she give me 爱心饼干 Nice to eat ! :D . Hahaha. Thanks aiai ♥ i LOVE YOUUU :D Then we went to class together. Outside class , cried abit . LOL. Then the Wenxiang and Xiuwen go and tell CHuxi not to be with me cus they wants to snatch all my friends away . Then Chuxi say she will be with me (: THATS WHY I LOVE AIAI LOR ! ;DD I dunno why . Ja,nice.L be strongggggggggg ;D Then go back class . Then History . Dunno what lor . Art time , i slept . Cus teacher not here 2 period leh Then quarreled abit with Xiuwen . Shall not elaborate . Then go recess with , Chuxi , Jolene , Tinghui , MeiHui , Gekleng ,Xiaoxun , Jingyu and Yufen . Then Yufen went off . Then the rest went down , I cried during recess abit onli lah . LOL ! Then Leroy say my eye red red . Then i say itchy LOL ! Then er ............ DNT . Quite ok ok . THen got chinese , tacher not here , there was this teacher. that came in , then xiuwen say he Senior citizen which makes all of us laughed. Then the teacher say he will not act young , and me and leroy make a joke out of it . LOL . Then the Xianjun keep , Swine Swine Swine . Then math . Got this teacher who came to talk to me . Shall not elaborate , alot of things. Then i cried again . -___-" Then go home with Chuxi . CHatted with her. Then bused home . Found out i never bring key. So i went to msg audrey ask her go out and eat lunch together. Then i go home then no key then i go out again -__-" Go cab to her " hotel " LOL . Cus she just sold her house movingto another . Then meet her there. THen we go eat SUbway. Then go around lookin for thermometer .all out of stck. finally found one . The aunty give mediscount (: Then go to Audrey " Hotel " So nice . LOL Then her mother thee , then i say " aunty " Then we chatchat then we bused to BMC . At therewe saw alvin and jingjie .__. I keep hideide , then alvin say " dun need turn , i saw you lah ! " LOL. Then i accidentally use the penknife hit dao myself . -_-" Bleed damn lot , the whole blade went in man. LOL. The JINGJIE lah ! LOL Then i call them Outram dogs , they very angry LOL. Then i say me balestier also no good , nvm LOL. Then we bused together , 147-ed to bmc . Then alvin and jingjie was so annoying . THen jingjie alight first , then alvin , then me and audrey . Then go buy liao . bused home . reach home around 7 . Then eat ler , watch tv , and played com (: . ZHANGDE -RENS RAWKS RIGHT? . Tags repliesssssssssssssssssssss to lovely darlings-men ! ;DD 小 Xuan♥ - Reply ; HELLO STEADSTEAD<3> ☆小 Girl . Reply ; Hello AIAI <33> DAWN.★ Reply ; Aiyooh , Dont shyshy ); . LOL. Loveess youuu too :DD {♥}Ah-wenn Reply ; I can get it at other place too . And ifound out my dictionary is not spoilt -__-" . Maybe after the exam , i will buy , or before . To others about the schooling matters ; I will be changing school after midyear exam . Thats for sure ler . ): / (: ? Labels: Clarissaa | } All LOVED by me (: ., Dawnnn, Jingyuuu, Lihonggg |
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