It's just a fairytale..
Alone.. LAREINA BELLA AI Janice,14,BalestierHillSec Loveables :
11:11 Happiness is all i wish to have.... -- Same new bag with Jaslyn Promoted to 3E2 15 points for O Level Shop till i drop FRIENDS FOREVER WITH JJXED! |
Friday, October 17, 2008 today.. was quite happy in the morning but once came online.. dunno why my mood change.. so sad .. l0ls.. hao ba talk bout today -------------- ^^ today audrey and i went to BUGIS . actually felicia cheong going derh luh.. then she fang ge zi !! >:(( thn left me and audrey . we went shop shop at bugis then nthh nice then wanna take neo print.. but bo money LOLx thenn went to bugis street . wooww woww ! the shirt there damn nice derh lo.. then i bought one shirt ~~ help felicia cheong also !! so she must return me money >:)) hehes. then audrey also then 3 same shirt =.=ll LOLxx we siao liaoo. then after tat went to orchard. at there shop shop ! actually wanna go douby gaut ( dunno how to spell ) but in the end went to orchard after orchard actually wanna go AMK HUB. but audrey dun wan. ( SCARE OF REYNALD THERE HUH ??! ) hahas jkjk. actually wan go there buy necklace cus went twice saw the things there quite nice :D . think going next thur or next next thurs bahhs ~~ then after orchard went back to tiong. went to arcade . so iie played - MOTOBIKE ( the thingy ) , PARAPARA . Crazy Taxxi and one more dunno call wad. thenn arhhss.. we went out saw amos they all . damn scare. then run run run downstairs buy sweet talk and went playground happy playiing ~~ and zi lian lots wibb audrey >_< then after tat we zi llian liao .. then got feeling of taking neo print then lucky i still left 10 dollars so went take neoprint :D hahas. quite nice will post those pic soon ~~ - then come out saw amos again !! grr?? then faster run . run down and home~~ and on the way we talk bad about siaw hwee again ! cus she teally qian biian !! and thatss all ~~ iie pok liao .. from $80 - $5 IIE SIIAO LIAO . tats all byebye ! |
Blogshop Main Page Order Form Sold-Out NDF & DF-FBTS Dresses Hair Accessory Bracelets Eye-liners Tees Onto Headphones Noise.. Bygones Please dun make me love you.. heartache.. cry.. ... i actually said tat .. ? Post for today ~~.. Haiiz.. today was a SUPER SUP... today was CCA day !! wootss !! finally back to my ... today was a quite good/not good day LOlx. we were ... ^^ 和好了!!i he hao with FELIICIA TANN lerhhs xDD ^-^... iie wouldd havee properbly saiid tatt too makkee u... TOday wahh!! my gann jiieh ( jiingyu ) saiid she a... iie wokee upp att 10.00 wokenn upp byy my fatherr ... w0kee upp att 9.00 dhenn wentt bathh && stuff stuf... Take a bow Designer: Janice CREDITS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED |